Plastics Update
If you don't mind would you tell the cost of that work?.. IS insurance paying for any of that?.. I know you are selling your house but is it to pay for the Plastics?.. I hope these questions aren't to personal. I ask because you and I are the same age and I think we share the same kind of mind set on this stuff. (Which would be, 'get her done'!! lol!)
I would have sent you a personal email on this but I have a feeling we have few gals and guys on here that are just as interested as me.
Hey Sue, that's so exciting! I would love love love to have the tummy, arms, and the girls uplifted!! Thighs yeah, but that could be last. Do they even do a total body lift, cause that is what I Need! Well, you have to keep us updated cause as Mo said, there are lots here who are interested and wanting this for ourselves. BEST to you and will be sending good healing vibes your way in APRIL!

Well I sold my house for several reasons, 1. Market was declining in my area, 2. To get closer to my daughter to help her with her kids, she is a single mom and 3. Yeppers, new boobs.
The total for all this is $17,835, The surgeon portion is $8350 and the rest is the surgical center and anesthesiologist. And unfortunately insurance would not cover any of it.