
on 1/30/07 4:18 pm - Worthington, KY
hey guys, it's because i trust you all that i am posting here. i know a lot of people are looking for money - no wishing for it - for plastics or whatever other reason. can i tell you that i can help? i really want you guys - my fellow july babies to be happy. i don't have the money to help you - just sayin, first off, in case you think it's THaT kind of post, but i will in the future - k, anyway, what i am saying is this: if you have a goal or some goals, post back here what they are.... let's work through this on another level. I can help... and we can help each other. what are you desiring or intending to achieve this year? no holds barred. be completely honest. for me, my goals: earn $250,000 in the next month and a half and over $1 million this year. have the perfectly healthy, tight toned body have a profound relationship with my husband have fun! travel anywhere i choose to in this world create my own destiny. TEACH my kids and those around me how to get what they want.
Tammy E.
on 1/31/07 11:09 am - St. Paul Park, MN
Earn $250,000 in the next month and a half and over $1 million this year I don't know what your thinking but come on. I'm not starting any thing here but where on earth can you make that kind of money? I don't think that dealing drugs make that much (i'm not saying your doing that BTW, just a comment) Tammy
Maria Finan
on 1/31/07 11:42 am - Richland, WA
I'm with you Tammy....there are too many people selling a get rich quick scheme.....guess I'm just not into that because I saw my dad try several when I was a young girl....and they didn't get us much of anywhere (guess I'm a pessimist). So, I'll just be satisfied with my $70k/year job that I enjoy....and a great husband....two wonderful sons....can't ask for much more (except some good plastics - but that too shall come).... Maria 272/155/144 pre/goal/current
on 1/31/07 11:49 am - Worthington, KY
I just want to say this is no get rich quick scheme - or any other kind of scheme whatsoever, Maria. It is philosophy and physics, and science and theology and belief. Don't ever be satisfied with anything at all. God made us all in the creation of his image. We are meant to be and capable of so much more - but out of fear or doubt - we don't pursue our dreams. I am not even in the slightest a religious person, BTW. I'm a skeptic and a cynic - but I SEE this working in my own life and have to wonder if I am wrong in everything I have ever believed. I know I am indeed at this point. - nan
on 2/1/07 12:46 pm - Worthington, KY
maria! oh my goodness. how cynical you are. we are sisters and brothers on this july board - why in the WORLD would you think I of all people am trying to sell you something? I truly believe we are all here to learn from each other. I have no interest in any get rich quick schemes - i earn plenty already - i know it is hard to believe - but it's true - and i just want to share my good fortune and learning s with you all. love,nan
on 1/31/07 11:43 am - Worthington, KY
Let me just say here - I am WELL on my way in ways I did not know and would not have expected in the past.
on 2/1/07 12:43 pm - Worthington, KY
we can and people do in fact do who BELIEVE thay can and try to do it. but basically, you do it doing what you do best - whatever your talent may be... scrapbooking or staying at home or knitting or running a business or whatever. it does happen.
on 1/31/07 11:13 am - Hugo, MN
My one true desire- to try one time on the infertility shots to see if I can ovulate with the weight loss and being healthier. and if that doesn't "work". then to start the adoption process. All of which might be put on the back burner because of the money issues. We would really like to have another child in our home. (joel wants a baby sister). Goal two-keep getting the weight off- stomach- gone. Goal three- keep positive and faithful that things will work out with desire one- and goal two- and the rest of my life and family lives. be happy- and be in love with husband, and children and life...... Goal Four- be the best teacher for my students as I can be..... thanks... jennifer
on 1/31/07 11:26 am - Hugo, MN
ok nan- i looked at your profile- and wow- i had forgotten about the duet with mariah and whitney.. i listened and cried... miracles... I DO believe.. and have been trying to do the right thing- exercise- vitamins- preparing the body- and praying.. if it's meant to happen it will... and if not- then God's plans are for us to adopt another child to bring into our home forever for us to be parents and a big brother too... (we're excited either way) here's to faith that child two will be in our home before the end of 2007!!!! what a year it's going to be.... full of love... jen
on 1/31/07 11:44 am - Worthington, KY
Jen - email me at [email protected] I will tell you what I have learned and continue (daily) to apply in my life. Miracles do indeed happen. - nan
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