more follow ups
Today I saw both the plastic surgeon and the other doctor that repaired my hernias.
Both doctors said I am doing just fine, I was hoping to lose at least one of my drains but the plastic surgeon wants to leave them both in for at least another week. Meanwhile I have been cleared to drive again, my pain levels are pretty good and I'm walking totally upright. Getting in and out of bed and chairs is no problem although it does hurt a little if I stand up for too long. I haven't been taking any vicodin for several days, just tylenol.
The worst thing is the drains and that is just a matter of inconvenience. Still wearing the binder too, probably will need to for several more weeks. I think I am going to move back home from my sisters house tomorrow.
I don't need to see the hernia doctor any more unless there's a problem and I have another appointment to see the plastic surgeon in a week. So it's all good!
Plastic surgeon said I might want to consider a lower body lift in the future. I definitely need to get my inner thighs done.

Timmy Boyo I have thinking about you and checking more frequently back here to see how you are doing. I'm so glad to hear that you are okay .. Don't worry about those thighs honey.. Once some lucky woman gets to know you, that flat belly, and sparkling personality she'll be betwixt' those thighs in no time!!!

Glad you are feeling better. I got my drains taken out thursday. You will feel alot better when they come out. I am still wearing my binder too, I find comfort in wearing it. I guess I feel it protects me, after all I have a 3 year old. I have about 6 more surgeries to go haha if doc has his way. Hope each day gets better.