Not losing, yo-yoing up and down
At 18 months out, I've lost about 160 pounds. I have about 100 more to go. At my last surgeon's visit yesterday, I had only lost 6 pounds in the last 6 months, which is what I expected. One week I'll lose 3, 4, 5 pounds, the next week I'll gain 2-3, next week gain 2-3, so basically, I'm not losing overall. I'm not doing anything different from one week to the next as far as food is concerned. I eat different foods of course, but not junk food or sugar.
So the question is, why am I yo-yoing this way? I eat 4 oz of protein at each meal, except breakfast. I probably don't get 4 oz at breakfast. Below is my menu for today (at least breakfast and lunch).
2 scrambled eggs, 1 slice fried bologna
4 oz. grilled chicken
1 cup lettuce, 1 oz cheese, 1 T. bacon bits, 2 T. dressing
2 oz roasted chicken
Don't know...will be 4 oz of some type meat, plus a non-starchy vegetable.
Am I eating too much, not enough...what? I also do drink at least 64 oz of water per day. I don't exercise every day, and yes I know I should. But even when I exercise consistently, I still have this yo-yo weight loss.
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have.
I wish had an answer for you. I have about 30-40 more lbs to lose and I've been doing the exact same thing since July. I had a little foray into that dark world of carbs over the holidays, but I didn't gain any weight. I'm back on track in the past week or so. I''ve always gotten in at least 72oz of water in a day. I'm trying to eat more like I did when I first came home (lots of cottage cheese, etc), hoping that maybe it'll jump start something. It seems to be working, I saw a number on the scale this morning that I haven't seen in awhile. I want so badly for the darn scale to say "1-9-something". Like you, I'm not an exercise fiend, but I'm certainly no couch potato either. I'm hoping to get back to the gym next week.
One good thing - we seem to have figured out how to maintain
I just mainly wanted to let you know that you're not alone.
Take Care,

Good Morning Karen,
Have you tried to log the information into and see how many calories & protein you are averaging.
Have you ever done any protein supplements? if you do you might want to add one during the day for extra protein.
I normally average about 1000-1200 calories and about 100-120 protein grams...(that is on a good day)...just a thaught I have no idea where everyone else is at as far as calories..
I too have learned how to maintain but would love to lose the last 20 pounds that don't see to want to leave me ...
humm I heard alot of the plateu buster, have you tried that? Good Luck and please let us know what works for maybe some of use could try to get our weight loss started again.
Karen I just read your post and when I came to your menu of foods for today I was impressed by the healthy choices you made. I think it takes determination and strength of character to have lost the amount of weight you have.
I have lost 150 pounds in the same amount of time. The things that I'm pretty sure that have worked for me and that I can suggest to you would be definately upping your "Protein" intake. Either by food which is mostly how I did it after the first 6 months. Or add a protein shake ( one low in calories and carbs , in the morning or midday) You need the Protein to burn the fat. Think of your body like a engine. You have to go full steam to make it run fast. Try switching things up. Eliminate the Bologna in the morning it's still high in fat content, and not a great choice for you. You need to have some carbs i.e. beans, fruit, .. sometimes we have to almost trick our bodies into doing what we want. But it can be done!..
Lastley, make a point to do some kind of exercise. I know, how you feel. It's not really my thing either, but I do it. I walk a few times a week. a few miles at a good clip. . Get a bike and go riding! Do something with your body that you haven't done to date...
Karen I wish for you what I wish for all of us to to be healthy, happy and to reach all our goals.
290 to 139. whew...
Thank you all.
Yes I enter my food on Fitday every day. I'm averaging between 1200-1500 calories per day. I usually exercise off about 250-280 of those calories. I get no more than 30 carbs per day. Last week I exercised 5 days and only lost 1.5 pounds. Doing all the other things also, water, protein, etc.
I'm not sure if I need to UP the calories or LOWER them to try to get things going again.