Plastics, part 3
Wow! Things are really moving at break neck speed!
I just recieved a call from Dr. Sayeg's office. (my plastic surgeon)
My surgery is preliminarily scheduled for next Tuesday, Jan 16th at 2:30 pm.
It will take about 3 hours to do and will require an overnight stay.
I will be spending my immediate post op recovery at my sisters house.
I'm all excited and nervous at the same time!
Please say a little prayer for me

Hi Tim,
Congrats on getting your surgery date! It is quite exciting.
I have to admit that I have been quite the lurker but have followed everyone here for 18+ months. It is exciting to see where everyone is now.
I just had my PS on Jan 10. I have a lot done - inner thigh lift, TT, breast augmentation, lipo on flanks, hips, outter thighs and inner knees and just for fun fat injections in my lips. I had mine at a surgery center and came home the same day. I was a little shocked at the pain but now I am almost 5 days out and really thrilled with the results. It is all really worth it.
Keep us posted on your progress!
Good luck,