Plastics Update!
I saw the plastic surgeon today. He confirmed my hernia and is sending me to see another surgeon tommorow. They are going to do a tag team on me and "make me beautiful". He also said it should be no problem as far as my insurance goes. He then said the surgery could be done pretty much at my convienence and since I'm still not working that convenient time is NOW. I might be getting it done as early as next week. I AM STOKED!
Updates to follow

I gotcha, well I am gonna try to do everything my doc will allow. He told me he only wants me under anes. 6 total hours, so he is gonna try to shoot for a belt lipectomy, boobs, and thigh lift. Wish he would do my partial facelift but he says not then. Poo. Keep us posted, we are so excited, you are really gonna be a cutie patootie then.
Good going!!!! Maybe this is the little lift that will propel your New Year Timmy Boy!!! I'm very happy for you. I also had a appointment today I had it written for 2:00p.m. when in reality it was for 10:00 a.m... well.. I missed the appointment.. Now I'm not really that much of of ditz so i'm gonna go with the old 'everything happens for a reason'.. I rescheduled and will have my consult next Monday...
Timmy Boyo you are gonna be a living doll!!!! woo hoooo!!!