As many of you are aware not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
That is a very good thing. Ever since our little gathering in
Vegas this last summer our Goddess Andrea and I have been seeing each other.
This surgery has done much more than just make us thinner it has brought the two of us together. We have decided to make that permanent. Earlier this evening I asked Andrea to marry me and she has said "YES".
Needless to say I am ecstatic.
We haven't set a date yet, first we need to solve the issue of us living 1000 miles apart but that will hopefully be solved by the summer.
We just wanted to share our good news with our family and friends here on the board. It is truly a Happy Holiday!!

Andrea & Peter I am so happy for you both! I have chills right now.. It truly goes to show that there is plan for all of us and destiny has come to you both.. Andrea and Peter I have always admired you both. You seem like such good people and it's such a pleasure to send you both my best wishes for a happy marriage that brings everything you dream of to both of you...
First of all...........
Second of all...............
1000 miles apart? NO PROBLEM
Just pack your little self up and trot on over to New York so us NY people can see you. Besides, all that snow you get, who needs it?
Its Dec 23rd today and it 60 and sunny. Go figure. No snow for Christmas
So when's the BIG DAY??????????