dr appointment
i had my follow appointment with the infertility dr...
well- my labs are worse than ever before- testerone
is as high as a female taking teroserone medication-
and estrogen is extremly low... progesterone- too..
so he put me on metformin (PCOS- insulin resistance medication)
and will be able to take progestrone then 2 pills of clomid for a week- in december..
and we will know the week before xmas if it will work to even try....
he said too- the metformin will probably kick start the losing weight again-
it works with absorbtion of sugars- regulate the insulin (i'm not diabetic- surgery probably saved me from that -for now) glucose is at 89...so that's good..
i lost 2 pounds since tuesday- first real loss- since MONTH FIVE!!! and right now i'm only on ONE pill- start up slow- to 3 PILLS a day- on week three... - can't imagine how my tummy will be then... yikes.. but so far- worth it... we shall see