Guess what I did????
I GOT A TATTOO!!!! I will get a picture out within the next couple of days so you all can see it. It's a small butterfly on my ankle.
I haven't even told DH yet. But I did put a bumper sticker from the place in the car so when he goes to work tonight he will sees it
Will post more when he find outs
WTG Tammy!
Can't wait to see the picture. Seems like a butterfly is very symbolic of the change so many of us have gone through. I like to think that all these tatts we've been getting are an indication of how we feel better about our body image.
I hope your DH likes it, if it makes you happy he should. Everyone in my family has seen mine except for my older brother and my Mom. My bro will be jealous, my Mom will probably roll her eyes and say "Oh Tim"
Just remember to follow your aftercare instructions carefully for the next couple of weeks.
DH didn't say a word! He got in the car last night and I though for sure he would come back in the house or call from his cell phone but neither happened. This morning when he got home I was in the shower and when he came in I thought for sure he would say "well, let me see it" (the tat) and he didn't! He knew I was going to getting one soon, but just not yesterday. He didn't know what I was going to get either. So this afternoon when he wakes up I'm just going to show him. He took all the fun out of it. Oh well I love it!
Yes it did hurt it wasn't that bad but I DID feel it! I went to Acme Tattoo in St Paul. LOVE THAT PLACE!