He called me at work Friday and wanted to come over. I said ok. And was so thrilled. I told him the kids would be there. Well he came over and we all watched tv and talked and had a real nice time. He went home about 1:00 am. I went to his house Saturday night. It was about 7:30. He was very quiet and he is very,very shy. Well ok we talked a little. I told him he didn't have to be shy around me. He told me again that he was scared of me. I ask him why. I only weigh 96 lbs. He didn't know. Well the longer I sat there I got more agervated........I stood up about a few hours later and told him when he grew up and could be a man to call me. And I left...........................................
Haven't heard a thing from him so I guess I blew that..................
Think I was ment to be single...........
You didn't blow anything girl.
We as women have to learn to ask for what we want and expect nothing less. The last LOOSER I was in a 6 month relationship was just like this guy. A woos. Not a real man.
I am 50 years old and finally after this last fiasco have learned that I am not going to settle any longer for less than I deserve. I am NEVER gonna give 110% and he give negative 10%....
I am reading this book now, "He's Just Not That Into You" and it teaches women how to hold out for what they need and want and dump the duds. It says that if a man wants you, and is really interested in us they will move Heaven and Earth to be with us and court and romance us. That is what I am holding out for.
I can guarantee you the sex with this one would have been a waste of time. I just went through 6 months of faking O's with my last dud and NEVER AGAIN will I do that just so their feelings won't be hurt.
Hold on, you are not meant to be alone and neither am I. The lucky fellas we need just haven't come around yet. Believe me, all you have done is just kissed another toad on the way to your prince.