WLS Handbook
I've mentioned this to others that my doctor has a handbook available online. It is very helpful.
Keep in mind that this is MY doctors program and may not meet the requirements of YOUR doctor. I am sharing this with all of you because it was interesting when we talked in Vegas to hear about some of the differences in each others programs. Some people asked me to send this link to them and I thought I would share it will all of you. I hope you find it useful. It is a pdf file and should be accessible by all.
Thank you for sharing this. My surgeon's aftercare was minimal and I have used OH as a starting point when I wanted more info on an issue or topic. This book would have been quite helpful earlier.
Indeed, I've already learned more simply reviewing portions of it.
My wife, Marge, has 3 weeks of summer vacation left then it's back to her 7th grade LBD classroom. Good teachers should be nominated for sainthood.
Saint Peter!