I know the board has been getting slow, but I think we just slowed to a crawl here in the past week.
So let's hear it.........who's out there?
Lurking.......fine! Give ua a
Posting......fabulous! Give us sumpin to talk about!
I'm busy at work tonight, gonna get some actual overtime in!
Just takin my dinner break. Sesame stir fry chicken frozen lean entree mmmmmmmmmmm
Still better than the hungry man XXL 2 pounders I used to eat
.........back to work!
Get back to work boy!
What do you think this is...Social hour? I'm not paying you to talk to girls on line...........No matter how hot they are!
Overtime? Whoo hoo! Extra cash for your trip.
Pass the Mary Jane!
Hey Malibu
I'm Here. Just hanging. 10 more days and I will have my first RNY birthday and I am down 140 pounds
Its been an easy ride for me. One that I don't regret. Looking forward to getting my plastic surgery. Hopefully by the end of this year.
I'm here - lurking mostly....life's busy - got a promotion (and one that comes with a pay raise and not just more work!). Sure wish I could join you guys in Vegas.
Take care,
work and home here. NO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! I did gain a few lbs. Was trying hard. Ate protin bars out the @ss. Hope everyone is doing well. BE GOOD OR BE GOOD DOING IT.
Amy, I am glad you are eating! You wanted to add few pounds, right? Balance the work and home with those beautiful kids. Soon you will need to add a man to the scale , but only after you get your own stasis...