Post-Op Pregnancy info added to Road To Thin
Since I am newly pregant (with twins! -- yikes!)... I thought it was time to update my site, The Road to Thin, with some post-op info.
Though I refer people to the OH post-op pregnancy board for more info, I also did some internet research to try to find out some basic "it is good -- is it not good" info for those of who are pregnant or hope to become pregnant.
I hope you find it helpful.
If some of you don't know the site... I get a lot of positive feedback.
Basically, I have tried to take all the info I have learned and put it all in one place.
Twins due -- hopefully not before Christmas.
Hi and COngrats to you!!
WoW!! Twins!! That is wonderful...
How far out are you from your surgery date??
I am having a baby girl in October.
My one year anniversary from surgery will be July 19th!! It went by really fast!@
Well, I'm going to check out the site...there is also a pregnancy message board right here on OBhelp! IT's great...
I wish you luck...
Keep me posted.
You're Pregnant....................WOW
and with twins. OMG
I think I'd shoot myself.
Will you be okay getting pregnant so soon after RNY. Most surgeons don't recommend pregnancy for 18-24 months because of malnutrition on the fetus. I hope everything will be okay. Let meknow how you make out with eating and keeping up the calories for the babies. I'd be interested in know ing cause i wanted to get pregnant and my docs won;t let me for at least another 6-12 months. Hubbt won't come near me cause he knows.
My surgeon isn't upset... and my OB isn't phased.
The OB does't seem to care a whit about the surgery... as long as I take my vitamins and such.
My bloodwork came back good... and as long as it stays that way it should be fine.
I thought they might consider me high-risk cause of the surgery... but no.
But as soon as I told them my age.... they were all over the high-risk category.
And when twins popped up... moreso.
Since the pregnancy diet is basically our Gastric Bypass diet (frequent small meals, high protein, lots of vitamins, lots of fluids -- and, if morning sickness is an issue, not drinking with meals) no one is really phased at all by the surgery.
I haven't even seen anyone blink.