I am wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar to the symptoms I am having and what it may be....
I am a fellow Julyer and have lost 135 lbs (YEAH). In the past two weeks I have not been feeling well. I get like random "waves" of pain and nausea in what I would say is my old tummy. I went to the doctor and he is sending me for a cat scan of my abdomin, he felt a mass in my lower abdomin/pelvic area. He thinks it may be an ovarian cyst but that wouldn't make me sick (I don't think). I ate a banana last night and about 15 minutes after I ate I was in severe pain in the middle of my abdomin (gall bladder?). I have also been pretty tired lately.
I would appreciate any input.
Thanks - Stacey
I would guess the first question to ask is do you still have your gall bladder? That being bad shows up in NUMEROUS ways.
Also, the body deals with issues in many different ways. If you do have a cyst, you could very well feel sick & nauseous. I'm glad you're seeing your Dr.
Good luck hun! And on your 135 lbs gone!