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on 4/3/06 11:41 pm
Topic: RE: More to Lose....Tues. 4/4
Hi Denise!! Great job in keeping the post going. I'm been really laxed in planning. Here goes: Breakfast: Bagel (so much for the protein train!!! I just can't resist free food at the pool on Tuesday mornings!!!) Snack: Grilled chicken Lunch: South Beach Cashew Chicken Snack: Deli Turkey Dinner: Salmon Lettuce Light Dressing Snack: Celery Sugar free popsicles Nutrition ???? Clueless, Didn't have time to do fiday this morning... Exercise: 25 minuntes - Pilates - DONE 1 hr - water aerobics - DONE Have a great day! Denise 326/220/170 -106 50 lbs to Drs. goal 5 lbs to mini goal of 215 by April 24!
on 4/3/06 11:37 pm
Topic: RE: Tuesday Excercise
Good morning Mary! 1 hr - water aerobics - DONE 25 minutes Pilates - DONE 1 hr - walking Guess what? I got my bottom 1/2 inch off the floor this time!!! Only 4-1/2 inches to go!!! Have a great day!!! Denise 326/220/170 -106 50 lbs to Drs goal 5 lbs to mini mini goal of 215 by April 24
(deactivated member)
on 4/3/06 10:00 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Topic: RE: Quick Tip
The only junk food I have in my kitchen is a bag of pretzels and my husband's chips for his cheesy rotel dip. No chocolate, no cookies, very little pre-packaged foods unless it's vegetables. It's a shame I live in town, where everything is about two minutes away! Even if it's not in my fridge, it's easy access
(deactivated member)
on 4/3/06 9:52 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Topic: RE: Contest--Day 3
The muffin has 22 carbs and 5 fiber, the wrap has 11 carbs and 8 fiber. I THOUGHT that fiber helped knock out the "bad" part of the carbs. Not that I really ever paid attention to carbs, since my nutritionist said not to. What other sorts of food can I make that will be satisfying, if I should try ditching the pasta, rice, and potatoes? I can't eat "just chicken," because I'll still be hungry, and I have a husband and kid to feed. I guess I'm sort of at a loss when it comes to the carbs thing. There is so much information out there, it's so hard to choose a path! Thanks!
on 4/3/06 4:15 pm - Salem, OR
Topic: RE: Help! I can eat alot!
BOY OH BOY ...... Do I relate!!!!! Isnt it funny though how the media (And people that dont the basics of the surgery) twist things to make people think that the surgery is an "easy pill"? Makes me want to succeed even more! I have noticed that I can still eat certain things in large amounts....scares me! I KNOW I need to get back to basics. It is SOOOOO good to hear that I am not alone! That alone gives me encouragement. THANKS GUYS!!!! Ashli
Mary M.
on 4/3/06 2:40 pm - Neverland, CA
Topic: Tuesday Excercise
Fitness Personality No. 2: The Mind/Body Connection You are lean and serene. by Tiffany Owens for MSN Health & Fitness The inner key to your fitness personality is to achieve a calming effect or restore balance to your hectic life. You balk at the latest fitness fads; instead, you prefer tried-and-true methods--especially those steeped in ancient tradition or of a holistic quality that embody a spiritual bent. When exercising, your mind works in tandem with your body to create a complete wellness package. If you do go to the gym, it is not for equipment use, but for the convenience of their abundant class schedule offerings. You usually exercise solo to minimize distraction, but don't mind being part of group instruction as long as the class structure mirrors your objectives. Your personality is most likely to receive yoga or pilates instruction, combined with healthy eating and lifestyle habits to enable both your body and brain to work together to stay balanced, limber and flexible. Exploring other means to jumpstart your mental processes--or your heart rate--is another key to helping you stay motivated and stick with an exercise program. Your weekly routine should also incorporate at least one or two other activities of a serene or adventurous nature. Need to burn more calories? Try fusion fitness, which combines yoga or pilates with other cardio and strengthening exercises. Need a bigger lift? Try a new adrenaline-soaked adventure, like mountain-biking, kickboxing or the flying trapeze. Other activities to try: Canoeing/Kayaking Fusion Exercises Kickboxing Medicine Ball Exercises Martial Arts Meditation Nature Walks Qigong Resistance Bands Skydiving Surfing Swimming Tae-Bo Tai-Chi Trail Hiking Trapeze Water Aerobics So what have you done today? Mary 415/163/147 16 lbs to Personal Goal 17 lbs below Doctors Goal In the words of Bill Phillips': "Exercise is the spark. Nutrition is the fuel. Without both, there can be no flame -- no results."
Mary M.
on 4/3/06 2:35 pm - Neverland, CA
Topic: RE: Contest--Day 3
Pamela, I have been reading your posts for the past few days. I concur with Irene's analogy of cutting back on the carbs. I am a carb-o-holic, the more I eat the more I want. I have the same reation to fruit. When you reach for a snack grab some SF Jello (this will help lower your calorie intake) or a serving of almonds (extra protien and crunch). Positive thoughts coming your way for all aspects of your life. Mary
Mary M.
on 4/3/06 2:29 pm - Neverland, CA
Topic: Quick Tip
Found this on the body-4-life website. You greatly increase your chances of eating healthy foods when you've stocked them in your cabinets and refrigerator. Not exactly rocket science, you say. True. But what's in your kitchen right now? Have you set the stage for success or failure?
(deactivated member)
on 4/3/06 1:31 pm - Paradise, CA
Topic: More to Lose....Tues. 4/4
Good Morning Gals, Well I didn't get in my exercise at the gym. Just ran out of time. Excuses, Excuses I will try again today. Here's my plan: coffee with sf french van. creamer protein shake grapenuts with ff milk banana steak yogurt cup of soup 1/2 sandwich (kind???) workout at the gym is my plan. Have a great day, Denise K.
Irene S.
on 4/3/06 12:28 pm - NJ
Topic: RE: Contest--Day 3
I would say you should really try to shoot for WAY more protein and way less carbs. The really bad thing about the carbs is that they cause your body to pump out more insulin, and insulin is the fat storage hormone. So it will make it more difficult to lose fat. Since you feel you need some - try to severely limit your intake to the breakfast and lunch items. I remember in my old dieting days with weigh****chers - I got my BEST weight loss by limiting myself to no more than 2 servings of bread - or the starch/complex carb equivalents. Try to aim for 2 or less and see if it makes a difference. While it may give you satisfaction to eat the same thing for lunch and breakfast, it might also make you more easily able to "forget" that you've taken in those calories and carbs. I dunno - just some thoughts. Good going on the fertility doc! I'll send my bestest vibes your way! I hope we'll be hearing about a "blessed event" (as my mom says) really soon... Irene
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