Recent Posts
on 4/9/06 11:46 pm - NJ
on 4/9/06 11:46 pm - NJ
Topic: RE: Thanks, Denise
Monna - I am so glad to hear from you and even more glad that things are ok. I hope that plantar fascitis gets better for you- I know how miserable that can be.
I can really relate to your struggle to figure out your relationship with food. I struggle as well. When I'm in 'diet' mode, all I think about is food, when I'm not in 'diet' mode, I also think about food a lot.
I'm trying to find some sort of a balance - right now it's kind of an all or nothing deal and I know that's not the way to go. I have my ups and downs too, my friend.
Keep well and please keep in touch just so we don't worry...

Topic: RE: More to lose Monday (4/10)....
Hey Denise...
Try this website, it has a store locator for the PhillySwirl...
Topic: RE: More to lose Monday (4/10)....
Hi Denise:
It's called a "PhillySwirl Stix"... There's no mention of a brand like Kraft or anything. They're 10 calories each. Monna first told me about these... they are awesome. You might want to try Walmart, since they are owned by the same outfit.
I'll ask at my local Sam's, I need to go by there today!
Have a great day!!

Topic: Contest--Day 9
I'm a day late posting this, but here it is.
B~english muffin
L~tuna wrap
S~grapes, string cheese, skinny cow ice cream
Exercise: walked outside with daughter
It wasn't too bad of a day. I kept myself pretty busy by going through picutres from the last seven years and putting them in order. That took hours!
Topic: RE: More to lose Monday (4/10)....
Good Morning Denise,
I have been working tons of hour once again so haven't even been on here for a few days. What is the brand name of the Philly Swirll sugar free frozen treat. I can not seem to find them I guess they only have sometihing like 15 calories is that right? Anyway please let me know the brand and maybe I can call around and find them. I guess they sell them at Sam's Club but I only have a costco here and they don't sell them. If I know more about them then maybe I can get Safeway or Albertson's to order or stock them for me.
Here's my plan:
Banana with peanut butter
Soup and crackers
Left over Cornbeef and cabbage we had last night.
Maybe some cottage cheese if I get hungry.
I am getting ready to have my home appraised on Tuesday so am coming home right afterwork and getting things cleaned up and ready. That will have to be my workout for the next couple of days.
You have a great day,
Denise K.
Topic: More to lose Monday (4/10)....
Good morning all!!
Well... I took the weekend off and I'm sure I blew it substantially caloriewise. Even though I slip, I can't trust myself not track. Even if I'm all alone in this, I've got to do it! So here's my plan for today.
Deli Turkey
South Beach Chicken Cashew
Chicken Breast
South Beach Orange Chicken
South Beach Oatmeal Cookies
Philly Swirl Sugar Free Frozen Treat (2)
1230 Calories (I've upped my planned calories in hopes of staying on plan)
94 Carbs
33 Fat
132 Protein
25 minutes pilates
1 hr water aerobics
1 hr walking
Have a great day... thanks for reading my post.. Join me if you like. The train will continue...
50 lbs to Drs. goal
5 lbs to mini goal of 215 by April 24

Topic: Ready for Plastics but scared
Hi everyone. I have finally made the decision to have PS. I am scheduled May 24 for abdominoplasty, brachioplasy and thigh lift. Dr agrees with me that I do not need lower body lift with the way my weight was and is. My arms and thighs are really bad. I carried most of my weight in my butt and legs but my butt just Kinda of went flat and he says with the way he will be doing the legs it will stay flat and just blend with the thighs???? I never thought I would lose enough weight to need this done! Its a 6-7 hr surgery with 2 days in an outpt recovery center. Any body have any feed back they can share on PS.
Janette RNY 7-13-04
363/132 -231 lbs
Topic: RE: Thanks guys
Hi Linda!
Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery. Phew! That had to be scary!
Take care of yourself! You'll be back to "normal" soon!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Gail D.

Topic: Help with Letters of Medical Necessity for Body Lift
Hi July-babies!
It's been a while since I've posted, but I still check in quite often! Wondering if those of you that have had PS can help me. I saw a PS on Friday and she's recommending I have a body lift. I need to ask my surgeon and PCP for letters of medical necessity. Does anyone have any sample letters?
I'm not looking forward to more surgery
, but I do have a hernia that will need to be repaired, so I might as well look into having this excess skin removed.
Looks like everyone here is doing great!
This July 2004 board has been a lifeline for me. You guys are the best!
Appreciate any help you can give me!
Gail D.
252/135 -- still maintaining!

Topic: Contest--Day 7
Don't wasn't a pretty sight.
On a positive note, I passed my exam. Last night, my husband and I couldn't stand it anymore, so we paid $25 to get my scores over the phone. I only needed a score of 163 out of 200 to pass, and I got a 184. Just as soon as I can get all the paperwork turned into our state's education department, I will be certified to teach Middle School Language Arts. At least now I will feel a lot better going into my interview!
Well, it's getting late, and I hear the weather will be perfect for outdoor exercise and I'm off to doze on the couch!