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on 8/24/08 11:45 am - southbridge, MA
Topic: What a Weekend
Well, on Saturday I had a cookout at my house for all my coworkers.  We had hamburgers, hot dogs, Tyson wings, macaroni salad, etc.  I thought I did pretty well, eating a bit differently since I had since July 28th though.  Nothing near what Im used to, although I wasnt real hungry after what I ate because I think that my pouch is back where it should be.  When I weighed myself this morning, UP 2.5 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I guess I cant stray at all!  I was rather upset.  Oh well though, I just am making sure for the next couple of days I really make conscientous food choices.  Its 940pm right now, and I did real well today.  I worked today, all day at a college to open up student accounts.  Tomorrow I am going to a different college to do the same thing, Tuesday Im off...Cant wait!!!!  Wednesday my baby starts Jr. High. So, I will be busy.  Here is how today went:

B:  Special K w/protein w/fresh raspberries

L: Salad bar w/greens, eggs, ham, cheese, & low cal dressing, several pieces of chopped fruit

S: 7 pieces of Nancy's Appetizer (10 g protein, 7 g sugar), then a couple hours later a LC flatbread

Water all day, not sure if I will have a protein bar

How did everyone else do???

Love, Lisa
Irene S.
on 8/22/08 12:55 pm - NJ
Topic: RE: It's been a long time....
Hi Nancy!!!

I think most have to work at it, especially the further out from surgery we get.  South Beach is a great way of eating!

As for not working... my surgeon left clinical practice and closed the office.  Unfortunately both my husband and I are unemployed - my husband since Dec 1 2007.  So it's been tough.  And the economy and job market are not good... Yes!  Very sad state we're in.

I WILL try to pop in more often. 

Irene S.
on 8/22/08 12:48 pm - NJ
Topic: RE: It's been a long time....
Hi Lisa,

My surgery was July 27th 2004.  I've been successful at taking off the weight and keeping it off.  I worked for my surgeon for 2.5 yrs.  It was a fantastic job - I loved working for him. I have gotten so used to eating in a very limited way now - since I feel sick if I eat too much or the wrong things.  My weight will fuctuate by about ten lbs or so.  I'm at 136 now which is low.  I had put on a few lbs when I stopped working and felt so awful with the extra weight!  It's weird how a few lbs now effect me so much when hundreds had no effect before surgery...

Keep on keeping on, Lisa.  You can do it!!  Just think in terms of SMALL permanent changes.

on 8/21/08 11:48 pm - NJ
Topic: RE: It's been a long time....
Hi Irene!  It's so nice to see you here!  

I've been doing O****rtainly have to work at it - I mostly follow the South Beach Diet - I seem to have difficulty losing that last 10 lbs....oh well, it always gives me something to strive for!!

Are you not working because you choose not to or did you get laid off (like so many other people...  ).  Didn't you work for your surgeon?    Luckily I still have my job, but we always feel like the noose is around our necks, it's just a matter of when the floor drops.   Unfortunately, many Americans are losing their positions and having them filled with two off-shore people.  Very sad state we're in.

Anyhow, I hope you'll check in with us often!!

on 8/21/08 12:05 pm - southbridge, MA
Topic: RE: It's been a long time....
Hi Irene!!

I am so glad you checked in!!! Nancy and I need some friends and I know everyone is out there.  When was your surgery date?  Mine was 07/28/2004.  On my four year anniversary I went back to basics.  I had started at a high of 388, got down to 283 after surgery.  I stopped loosing at 9 months out!  But, I didnt work the program.  I drank with meals, didnt exercise and had the attitude that I dont eat much, I should be able to eat what I want.  Im happy to say that I now follow the "rules" .  I dont drink soda anymore, I drink water.  I dont drink a half hour before and after meals.  I look at all the labels, and go for protein first.  I try to do less than 5 grams per serving.  So far, Ive lost 28lbs. 

Good to hear from you!

on 8/21/08 11:54 am - southbridge, MA
Topic: RE: Thursday
Hi Nancy,

I really dont snac****il early evening.  I try not to have anything bu****er up until a half hour before I eat again.  I think I have learned the HARD way.  Im really not hungry either.  Like right now, I had a late supper because I didnt get home til 815, and its almost 10 and Im stuffed.  I will be going to bed soon.  I am just hoping that it stays this way and I dont faulter.  I ended up eating exactly what I said I would for today.  Hugs!!!
Irene S.
on 8/21/08 2:28 am - NJ
Topic: It's been a long time....
Hi my July Friends! I missed checking this board to wish everyone a happy anniversary. It's not even July anymore... Hope everyone is doing ok. I see that few people come here any longer. Hello to Nancy, Michelle and Lisa. Quite a bit has happened with me, including the fact that I'm not working. But still doing great with the surgery.I can truly say it's the best thing I ever did for myself. Take care, Irene
on 8/21/08 12:28 am - NJ
Topic: RE: Thursday
Hooray for you Lisa! You're doing so great!! It looks like you really don't snack at all - nothing in between meals? What kind of protein bars do you eat? I've been doing well until night time - that's when I can't stop eating. It's usually OK stuff, but just too, too much of it. I've got to get that under control. Here's my plan for today: B: Eggbeaters, 1 sl turkey bacon, V-8, coffee with skim milk S: zucchini with lite laughing cow cheese L: some grilled veggies from the salad bar and maybe tuna or chicken salad S: lite Jarlesberg cheese D: chicken chili and a tossed salad D: light yogurt with 2 T natural pb AND THAT's IT!!!!!! I'm going to try really hard to control myself tonight.... Enjoy the day!! Hugs, Nancy
on 8/20/08 8:13 pm - southbridge, MA
Topic: Thursday
Hi Everyone, Today I'm 284. One pound away from my after surgery weight! Here is my plan: B: Special K protein plus w/ Maine wild blueberries L: LC flatbread S: "Compleats" chili and Penne; salad w/ 2bs dressing S:Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... a protein bar?! ( I really do love them!) Have a great day everyone! Lisa
on 8/20/08 11:04 am - southbridge, MA
Topic: What I had today
Hi Everyone... this is me today! B: Quaker Oats Weight Control BB L/S: Hubby took me out to a restaurant.. had the salad bar with a scoop of the mac and pot salad... eggs, ham, cheese, bacon, lt. ranch dressing ( about 2 tbs), a bunless cheeseburger and steamed broccoli. I left about 1/4 of the burger and 1/2 the broccoli S: a protein bar Love Lisa
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