on 4/10/06 1:55 am - washington, MO
How do we go back too the way we was ??? Is a question i ask myself everyday .. After losing -115 pounds and being so happy now ,I gradually feel myself slipping away daily . in 1 week i can gain and lose 10 pounds . but i can now eat anything and i have figured out so many tricks to be able to do just that .Why would i even want to . i love the new me but my mind has still not caught up w/ that i dont think .I struggle everyday within myself and i still stress eat and can have that cake cookie and poptarts now . i still dont excersise never have am i proud no .. I KNOW THIS IS A TOOL SO I DONT NEED TO HEAR THAT AT THIS POINT I GOT THAT !!!!! REAL LOUD AND CLEAR THIS LAST 2 MONTHS AS I HAVE GAINED 10 POUNDS !!!!! I see myself slipping away and i cant discipline myself . sure i have alot going on i have 7 kids and lil time for me at all . But i refuse to be FAT SHERRI AGAIN . i need some support i guess or some help anyone else at 2yrs out slip away . i still drink only water so that is good but that is about all i do right i do have shakes still 3 times or 4 times a week but i find they dont curb my appetie no more what can i do . i am an eating machine again . the journal thing dont work .i see what i eat . at least w 6 kiddos in school and it warming up my 3 yr old and i can walk ... tom i am joing curves . . my schedule is just so ran by other people my hubby works 12-14 hrs a day i have about 2 hrs total if that a week to myself .. right now he is just so busy w/ work that he works all nigh sleeps i see him for 1hr and hes off then 1 hr later kids get home ... and my busy day starts ... someone Help i am sorry i am just struggling and this far out i dont want to go back not now thanks alot Sherri
on 4/10/06 10:31 am
Here's an idea... read your profile from beginning to end... and post pictures of your former self all over your kitchen, your car, etc. Maybe a reminder of how it used to be may spark some motivation to continue be good to yourself. Try on some of your old clothes. Try to remember what real misery felt like, I'll bet you don't want to go back there. Jump rope with your kids, play hopscotch.... Just a thought. You are so gorgeous... look in the mirror and vow to to be good to yourself. Take it one hour at a time, you'll get here. Forgive yourself and try again... just don't give up or give in to frustation... it feeds (literally) on itself. Hang in there! Denise
on 4/11/06 7:14 am - washington, MO
Thank you so much . I did just that . it is so amasing to me to re read that and put myself back in those shoes . wow I forgot for a moment the pain i was battling w/ inside myself and how determined i was to do this . Somewhere i lost that determination and today i did do better didnt go to curves yet and wont be able to today but i did cut way back on my eating and went back to protein protein protein .. and did good so far . tonight i will start working my tummy again crunches . thank YOU so much for leading me back down that miserable road i once walked . i sure dont want to go back . Being this far out i didnt forget but having lost and been this way for awhile all the attention maybe from men,women etc . maybe i lost myself in that i dont know . But Sherri is back and ready to take control i will take this 1 day at a time .. thank you Hugs
on 4/11/06 8:54 am
Definitely one day at a time; one hour at a time. We can do this!! ! Denise
on 4/11/06 8:54 am
Definitely one day at a time; one hour at a time. We can do this!! ! Denise
on 4/11/06 12:19 am
Hi Sherri, Denise gives some great advice. I really don't have anything additional to add, but I wanted to offer support and encouragement. Hang in there. Teah
Irene S.
on 4/11/06 2:47 am - NJ
Sherri, I have gained and lost weight so many times during my almost 49 years, that I don't have any magic answers for you. You asked the most important question though... ". but i can now eat anything and i have figured out so many tricks to be able to do just that .Why would i even want to ." I can only say for myself in the hopes that it'll give you some ideas for you. At times I felt undeserving of good things and being successful at losing and keeping weight off. I sometimes felt that not being able to eat the foods I wanted (yes they were junk foods that were not good for me) was punishment and deprivation. Frustration with not wanting to have to deal with me and my situation. There were a thousand reasons. but the bottom line is that I let my "head" get out of the weight loss "place" that had me focusing on taking care of myself. This time around, I want to STAY involved in going to support group meetings, weighing myself, not as a means for game playing (I can eat caus I lost that 2 lbs, or whatever), but as a commitment to where my body is and where I need my head to be! I think that the best thing you can do for yourself is to find *some* sort of buddy. A partner in the struggle. If not in your in person life, then a few minutes for an online group. I know it's not easy with the kids and husband working. But YOU MUST take care of YOU! Hang in there! And please stay in touch. I really do care. Irene
on 4/11/06 12:37 pm - TX
OMG Irene, here I am lurking and just happened to take a look at your profile...YOU ARE FREAKIN AMAZING!!! YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK LIKE THE SAME PERSON!!! I am so glad to see you doing so well....WOW. As for you, Ms. Sherri B., I know how you feel...I still have some weight to lose. About 2 months ago, I felt EXACTLY the same way...eating what I wanted, not working out, etc. Then I got motivated, joined the gym, and re-focused on what was important. Though the weight loss is slow, I have gained alot of muscle (yowza yowza...LOL) and feel GREAT again! Hang in their, and know we're all rooting for you! Keep smiling and keep the faith! All the love, Jeff
Irene S.
on 4/12/06 1:33 am - NJ
Jeff!!!! You made my day! And hey! You're looking pretty amazing yourself. I'm glad that you're doing better, too. I've missed you! DON'T BE A STRANGER!!!! Love, Irene
on 4/11/06 3:25 am - NJ
Sherri, I have to say that I feel your pain. I too can eat pretty much whatever I want (except Chinese rice ), so now it's up to me. It is truly a head thing with me. I know what I should be doing and sometimes I choose to do things that are hurtful to myself. This comes from many years of different addictions. I'm working this out - it won't happen overnight and it may be a struggle all of my life. I'm hoping to keep it in control most of the time - I'm not perfect and I won't always be in control. I do find that my 'off days' are not eating bad foods so much as eating too much food. There are days that I just can't seem to get full. I also find that the more carbs I eat, the more I crave. I am finding that I'm catching myself faster and the 'off days' aren't lasting as long as they used to, usually just one or two days. Sometimes I decide I will just do protein drinks for the day - that seems to break the cycle of eating and snacking. Sherri, you're the only one who can change the way you're eating. Of course, you'll have the support of everyone here - you're our sister and we care about you. We all struggle, but having people in the same boat somehow makes the struggle a little easier. I hope you'll continue to check in here with us - we're always here for you! Hugs, Nancy
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