on 3/28/06 11:04 pm - NJ
on 3/28/06 11:04 pm - NJ
I'm not much of a breakfast eater - partially because I'm just not hungry in the morning and partially because once I start eating solid food, it seems to set off a compulsion to continue eating and eating and eating. I find if I have a protein drink instead of solids, I'm not as apt to want to continue on eating.
I keep hearing that people who eat breakfast are much more likeley to lose weight than people who don't eat. Would a scoop of Isopure Zero Carb Protein powder in lemonade be an OK breakfast?
It has 105 calories and 25 g. of protein.

You better believe that a protein drink is considered as breakfast, so is a protein bar or pudding. I keep all these readily on hand. At our Sams Club I purchase EAS Carb Control RTD 100 cal/15g protien, Powercruch bars in the freezer and Stallone Pudding in the fridge. This way I avoid temptation of a bagel or muffin. They also serve as a great snack when I am craving something sweet. According to my nutritionist and I have read this on other web sites that the best times to have breakfast is within 1.5 hours after rising.

This morning I found an article:
One caveat: If you exercise first thing in the morning (before breakfast), have your postworkout drink prior to working out, follow the guidelines for eating 2 hours after exercise, and then resume the recommendations for the rest of the day (Time Zone 2).