Weekend Warriors
Are you a weekend warrior? That is, a person whose exercise activities usually take place only on Saturday and Sunday.
During the weekdays you just can't seem to find the time to exercise because you are too busy being involved with your job, or the demands of taking care of your family, or some other more important commitment.
That leaves just the weekend for you to do some jogging, bicycle riding, or playing some golf or tennis.
If you are a weekend warrior, you should ask yourself two questions. The first one is, are you really too busy to find an hour, or even less, each weekday to do some type of exercise?
Why can't you get up an hour earlier, although that may mean going to bed earlier, which isn't such a bad idea?
Review your daily schedule and eliminate some of the activities that really aren't that important so you can find time to do something that will benefit your health.
Here's another questions to contemplate. Are there any health benefits if you do exercise only during the weekends? Most health organizations recommend exercising at least five days a week for 30 minutes or more.
A recent study looked into the health benefits of just exercising during the weekends. The results of the study showed that men who did not have any high health risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, and high cholesterol, did receive some benefit from being a weekend warrior.
They had a lower mortality rate than those who were sedentary and did not participate in any physical activities.
However, just exercising during the weekend was not helpful in lowering the mortality rate of people who were in the high risk group. For those individuals more than just weekend exercise was needed in order to improve their mortality rate.
To summarize the findings of the study, the more you exercise, the longer you will live.
And that takes us back to the first question, why can't you find more time during the week to exercise? Is it really that difficult to rearrange your busy weekday schedule in order to do something that will help you live longer?
So what have you done today?
Have a great weekend!!!
16 lbs to Personal Goal
17 lbs below Doctors Goal
In the words of Bill Phillips': "Exercise is the spark. Nutrition is the fuel. Without both, there can be no flame -- no results."

Weigh to Go!!!!
I am going to share this motivational quote that I have as part of my signature on my reply emails at work: "The measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." Martin Luther King, Jr.