More to lose... Monday (2/27)... Serious wake up call...

on 2/26/06 7:57 pm
Good morning, Ladies!! This weekend I had a serious wake up call. I literally passed out on the floor and hit my head and scared my daughter to hyperventilating tears. It all started with a candy bar someone had offered me at my daughter's basketball game on Saturday. Mentally, I knew I couldn't and shouldn't have it. Like the sugar junky I am, I took it. It made me sleepy. No problem, I went to bed when I got home. After about two hours of slumber, I had no sense of time. The clock registered 6:30... I thought it was 6:30 am. I heard my daughter in the kitchen and went to see why she was up so early on what I thought was Sunday morning (it was still actually Saturday afternoon). I saw her standing in the kitchen in her jeans. I assumed she went to bed without putting on her pajamas. I asked her why she wasn't in bed and why doesn't she have her pajamas on. The girl looked at me as if I was crazy. She said mom, it's only 6:30. Okay, now that I know what time it really is, I'm still feeling tired, so I turn to go back to bed. I never make it. Somewhere between my bedroom and the hardwood floor in the hallway I collapsed. I awoke to the sound of my daughter screaming into the phone with emergency 911. I don't know how long I had been laying there with blood coming from my head. I was able to get up and calm my daughter down. The emergency folks came and determined that my blood sugar was low. It registered 59. The question is how can my blood sugar be low when I ate a candy bar just 2 hours before. I call my doctor's emergency line and they've informed me that my blood sugar was probably below 30, but by the time the 911 folks arrived it had adjusted itself upward. The candy bar took me on a sugar rollercoaster ride. It took me high and dropped me LOW! The moral of this long story is to follow instructions... even though I don't dump in the traditional manner, my body does have a negative reaction to sugar. I have been scared straight... and I am now on the full compliance train. It's sad I had to hit the floor to get there... However, I am a first class passenger. Anyway, here's my plan for today on the compliance train: Breakfast: Tilapia Applesauce Snack: tangerine Lunch: South Beach - Kung Pao Chicken Snack: Ground Turkey Dinner: Shirmp Mixed greens Light dressing Nutrition: Calories 921 Fat 34 Carbs 85 Protein 96 Exercise: None today... doctor wants to see me before I resume my routine. What's you plan on the compliance train! Denise 326/221/170 -105 51 lbs to go...
(deactivated member)
on 2/26/06 8:54 pm - Paradise, CA
Good Morning Denise, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my that is terrible. Now I didn't want to start my day off with tears but I've got them running now after reading your post. I'm glad that you are ok though. I have been really tired lately so maybe I'm having a problem with the sugar too, who knows but I'm gonna stay away from it. We have so many sugarfree things available to us now that we really don't have too much of an excuse to have it anyway. You take care of yourself. Here's my plan for today: Before work: coffee with ff french van. creamer Breakfast: bowl of Kashi cereal with a banana Lunch: turkey link (trader joes) ww low carb tortilla orange Snack: turkey link Dinner: small dinner salad couple of meat balls protein shake if I'm starving after my aqua aerobic class, sometime I'm really hungry when I get done with that. I don't really know why. Aqua aerobic class this evening for exercise, I just love that class You all have a great day, Oh forgot to mention Nancy's weightloss Congrats Nancy you're doing great. You'all have a great day, Denise K.
on 2/26/06 10:46 pm
Oh, Denise... you are such a sweeheart. You are so right, we have too many choices for good tasting sugar substitutes. There are no excuses. I have had the sense knocked into me literally... Keep up the good work with your water aerobics. It's going to pay off, I know it... Have a great day!! Denise H.
Irene S.
on 2/26/06 9:19 pm - NJ
I'm really sorry you had to have this kind of a wake-up call - not fun and very dangerous. Thank God you weren't seriously hurt! Irene
on 2/26/06 10:50 pm
Thanks, Irene.... I too am grateful to God. It could have been a whole lot worse! I got the message... I won't have to bump my head again! Have a great day!! Denise
Mary M.
on 2/26/06 10:20 pm - Neverland, CA
Denise, Wow...please take loving care of yourself. You could have been injured gravely. This must have really shaken up your daughter. How is she? My children are my support system and this would have devistated them. Did you require stiches? Hope all goes well with your doctors visit. Take care, Mary
on 2/27/06 12:38 am
Hi Mary: I'm doing fine... My daughter is a nervous wreck, however. She doesn't want to let me out of her sight. Hopefully in time she'll feel secure again. I've definitely learned my lesson. HE won't have to take me around that mountain again!! Thanks for caring. I love my July 2004 family... Have a great day!! Denise
on 2/26/06 11:32 pm - NJ
OMG, Denise! I'm so sorry you and your daughter had to go through this! What an awful thing to happen - all I can say is thank God you weren't driving or something like that! How are you feeling today? Any after effects? Is your head ok? You poor thing. Oh yes, we do learn the hard way, don't we??? I'm working from home today - my sore throat blossomed into a miserable head cold, my nose looks like a cherry it's so sore and red. Anyway, here's what I have planned (although everything tastes like cardboard.. ) B: Carb Countdown and Unjury, WW Flakes and Fiber cereal L: 3 egg white and one yolk egg salad with 1 T ff mayo D: Green salad with chicken breast, shrimp, red roasted peppers, red onion and SF dressing S: Carb Fix Pretzels Totals: Calories: 786 Fat: 29 Carbs: 28 Protein: 94 Exercise: Did the WATP WalkBlaster this morning - that's it for me today unless I get some sort of burst of energy later on. Hugs, and a special healing hug to (((Denise))) , Nancy 280/168/155
on 2/27/06 12:41 am
Hey Nancy! I'm doing okay. My head hurts a little bit, but nothing major. I'll see the doctor this afternoon. Hope you're feeling better soon... Congrats on your weight loss!!! Denise
Monna W.
on 2/27/06 3:28 am - Susanville, CA
Denise, I am glad you are taking that episode of hypoglycemia seriously. It is a scarey thing, and often this kind of response to eating sugar signals a potential for diabetes. Please take care of yourself. Low blood sugar is nothing to ignore as you found out. I have been there and it is scary. Monna
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