New Pic on Profile
I have a new picture on my profile. A couple of them, actually. One is of my daughter when she got her yellow belt in May. The other is the newest one of's at the very bottom.
Now, if someone could tell me how I make all those pictures smaller, I'd be in great shape. I used photobucket, but when I copy the tag to OH, some of the pictures come out huge. Anyone know why?
I tried that
I resized it twice, and it STILL comes up huge. The first one I had put on there was just fine, and my daughter's new pic is okay...but there are some pictures that just won't be normal. Or maybe it's me who isn't normal.
Any other ideas? Should I shrink the pictures BEFORE going to photobucket, maybe?
Maybe you will have better luck if you resized the photos prior to uploading them to photobucket. Normally, I just resize in photobucket and then use the new tag (replace the old one that I had pasted) and volia it works. I am stumped my dear.
By the way your daughter is adorable...she has your beautiful smile!
Hi Pamela,
What a cutie your daughter is! She is bursting with pride in her accomplishment, as well she should. I can't help with the picture problem, don't know enough about how to help you fix it, but I think you may have to define a number of pixels to display on oh for the height and the width. When you put it in the predefined boxes it specifies the number of pixels to display. Maybe Pinalope can help.
The newest picture of you didn't display correctly for me. The center of the picture is blurry, kind of like what you see on tv when someone is giving an interview, but doesn't want their identity to be known. Even though the center of the pic is blurry, I can tell that you've come a LONG way. I can't wait to see the fixed picture. Keep fighting the good fight!
on 2/11/06 2:39 am - NJ
on 2/11/06 2:39 am - NJ
Pamela, your daughter is absolutely adorable - what a precious smile!!!
I see the same thing as Irene, a blurry middle of the picture. I'm not really sure what to do about it - sorry. Even with the blurriness I can see a big difference!!
Thanks for sharing your pics!!