Can't Stop Eating...HELP!

(deactivated member)
on 1/30/06 10:50 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
I am having an absolutely horrible time eating healthy. I am, however, starting to notice a pattern. Last week, my husband worked the evening shift. Instead of cooking for just two people, my daughter and I ate out...a lot...and it wasn't healthy stuff. I tend to feel overwhelmed with responsibilities when he works that shift, so I guess I binge to compensate. I ate okay on Sunday. Yesterday, school called me at work and told me that my daughter had a fever and had to be picked up. I managed to get my sister-in-law to watch her for a few hours, but my father-in-law flat-out refused (and then showed up at my SIL's house anyway). My daughter was sick all evening and night, and what did I do? I ate...and ate...and ate. I wound up with about 2100 calories yesterday, no exercise. Today, my scale reads 226.8. My scale DID say 222.2. Please help me. Tell me how you deal with stress. Tell me how you avoid junk food. Tell me how you prepare meals for just two people. Tell me that I'm not the only one in the world who can eat more than 1 cup at a time. Convince me that exercise is fun, not drudgery. Get me back on track! Pamela up four pounds
Monna W.
on 1/31/06 1:09 am - Susanville, CA
Pamela, You are having a rough time. It sounds like you have fallen back into your old coping techniques. Cooking for 2 people is fairly easy--try Boca Burgers as they are packaged individually, with a salad or frozen vegetables (it is winter here and seems most of the fresh stuff I can afford is starchy). Your daughter could have a whole grain bun and you plain. That is my standby when my family is having something too high in fat for me. Another thing I do is watch for WW frozen meals, Lean Cuisine, or South Beach Diet meals on sale and stock up to have when everyone else is having something I should not eat. All in all, I do much better if eating out is reserved for special occassions. To help you learn different coping skills for your stressful times, I highly reccomend professional counseling. If that is not affordable to you, find a WLS support group (or 3 groups), or even try Overeaters Anonymous. Do whatever you need to for you to be able to take full advantage of your new tool. Hang in there. You have come a long way, you don't want to lose it now. And you are not the only one who can eat more than 1 cup of food at a time. This is going to sound harsh, but it is said with all the caring a love a sister can have for another (we are July 2004 sisters) but, maybe you are having issues with your changing body and are looking for excuses not to do what you know is necessary. We are never too old to learn new copings and learn to love our new bodies (I am over 60). Please reach down deep inside to find the strength you need to succeed. I know it is there. Monna
on 1/31/06 1:41 am
Hi Pam, I agree with everyting Monna said. Coming here is a big step in the right direction. We are all struggling with similar issues and no you are not the only one who can eat more than a cup of food. Just take a breath and try to refoucs...get back to basics, protein, water, vitamins. Were here to help you. Take Care, Teah
on 1/31/06 4:18 am
Pam... I feel you... It's just my daughter and I... My daughter is the skinny mini who can eat anything. She has been raised eating southern cooking. So she has no interest in the morsals I eat to maintain or lose.. so in essence, we make 2 meals. I have taught my daughter how to make the meals she likes and I've been loading up on South Beach to keep me in line (works maybe 50% of the time.... you've seen my multitude "I've oopsed again" postings). The key my friend, is to never give up. Have some emergency meals on hand. My daughter loves the single pizza, DiGiornia which are pretty good (sadly I know because I've tasted it!). It's a meal she can make herself. She also loves grill cheese and soup. Perhaps you can plan your daughter's meals around those that she can handle herself or are very quick for you to make along with your planned meal. You've made great strides, my friend. 4 lbs. is nothing... You can and will lose it soon. Just don't give up and plan for emergencies. Continue to communicate with your sisters online. Just talking about the situation and knowing that you have support is half the battle. Depending on the food, I can eat more than 1 cup!!! I think you are normal, just like the rest of us struggling, but successful ladies online. We're successful because we may lose a battle or two, but we will definitely win the war, TOGETHER!!! I had wondered where you were and I'm glad your back online... Denise
on 1/31/06 5:13 am - NJ
Pamela - first off just let me say that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!!! We are all here - right behind you - right next to you - cheering you on, but it is a decision only you can make. I am a single mother of two sons -18 and 20. They still expect me to cook for them - well you know what, if and when I cook it's something I can eat and if they don't like it they look for the alternative - not me. Like Denise said, get some foods that your daughter can eat and enjoy on her own - and hey, it wouldn't hurt to teach her good eating habits - that would benefit both of you!! Right now I'm trying to get my sons to do some exercise - and they're having NONE of it!! Today I am craving CARBS. I dont' know why, but there is this nagging in the back of my mind all the time. I consciously have to resist. I'm trying to water load and that's helping. Will I make it through the end of the day without pigging out a little? I don't really know, but I'm sure going to try. I'm really aware of the way I'm feeling and trying to learn something about myself and why I feel the way I do. Maybe if you just took one day and dealt with the cravings - feel them, hate them, scream about them. Maybe you would feel renewed strength and commitment - and you would get the carbs and junk food out of your system. As far as exercise, I find I'm much more apt to do it at home rather than have to go to a gym. I have my Walk Away the Pounds tapes and in just a short 30 minutes, I have walked, marched, kicked and knee-lifted the equivalent of two miles!! Can't beat that!! It's also 30 minutes that I'm not resisting the urge to eat!! The bottom line is that it's up to you. We want you here and we want to hear success stories from you! We want to say "We told you you could do it!!". Give yourself the chance to succeed!! It shouldn't matter if your hubby is home or in Alaska - you have to love yourself enough to be good to yourself!! We all have our slips and slides, but we come here and cry on each other's shoulders, and we move forward. Yes, I can eat WAY more than one cup!! A lot depends on the food. I can eat a gigantic salad, but get sick on a teaspoon of Chinese rice. Somedays my pouch is fussy - I got sick the other night on thinly sliced deli turkey.... I use religiously - this way, I always know exactly where I'm at. I hope you know that all of these suggestions are made because I have also struggled. There have been times that I thought, "Oh no, I'm right back where I started and I'll never get back on track!". Well, we can always get back on track. You can do it Pamela!!! Hugs, Nancy 280/172/155
on 1/31/06 10:20 am - Spicewood, TX
I probably should not respond as I can't seem to quit loosing weight...But a few things I think it is important to take to heart: 1) DON'T deprive yourself of any food item - learn to control your serving size (and at times what you are choosing) - I can tell you that I have found if I tell myself I can't eat a certain item - then I will go and pig out on it. Instead - I allow myself a small serving of the item - or an item of close proximity to the one I am craving. 2) Adopt the creed of AA/NA - one day at a time - if you screwed up today - tomorrow is another day - wake up in the morning and try it again. When you have a sucessful day - go to bed congratulating yourself and saying you will have a repeat the next day. 3) I have spent a lot of time on figuring out how to cook almost the same meal for me that my husband and children eat - but w/ minor modifications. I also PLAN on having left overs the next day and that is my lunch. Yes - I eat more then one cup - sometimes at a time....I don't exercise - but I have made life changes that havew increased my exercise - such as I park at the back of the parking lot, I refuse to do elevators, I walk at least 4 times up and down the halls at school, etc. Spend time figuring out how to modify your life - not change it. Anne 263/150/129
on 2/1/06 10:38 pm - washington, MO
Pam hello , you are not alone . i can go from 160 to almost 170 in a day . I want to eat all the time . my hubby is night shift also . and i have 7 kiddos to cook for . I do notice that when i cook for anyone i want to eat it . I eat what they eat bad mistake . but after cooking for 7 kiddos homework i want to eat and get it over with . I know excuses .. Excercise . i dont do that never have . and that is bad on my part . to me it is boring and makes me tired . I tell myself daily i am gonna walk , but never do . Although i vowed i would never say i am fat . i feel the thickness when i am puting on my clothes . i have noticed if i get up and get dressed and wear snug clothing i dont want to eat as much . I am at home 24/7 so it is hard not to want to eat all day . ALthough i cant offer you good advive know you are not alone . I can eat almost a whole foot long subway at a meal .. and have ate whole thing on occasion . I am going back to eating every 3 hours .. and planning my meals .. now i just have to stick w/ them and decide is it better to eat or be thin .. Lat night i ate 1/2 of the carton small one of ben and jerrys ice cream sugar galore it didnt faze me one bit . but it scared the heck out of me i had never tried that now i have .. But i am not a big ice cream fan maybe 3 times a year .. I am off today to go for a walk and hope i enjoy it so i will do it more .. i also have been doing 50 crunches in am and 50 before i can go to bed . hope you get some answers from people to help us all . just know you are not alone ...
on 2/6/06 12:52 pm - nashua, NH
Hey Girl,it is totally up to you to change your eating habits.You need to watch what you eat.This doesnt mean that you have to eat veggies all day.Jus****ch yourself.I would try a jounal of everything that you put in your at the end of the day you can look at that and see everything that you ate.I have seen people that had this surgery and have gained all their weight back.This is a one shot deal.It all comes down to how bad do you want this????????Good luck....Kara
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