plastics questions
well i thought i would post here as well as plastics board .. I am in the stages of a consult w/ a plastic surgeon i have a few questions .. I am wanting a tt. w/ muscle tightning . is there any way to avoid the anchor cut? i have had 5 children so i know my muscles are overworked lol .. just wanted to avoid the big scar if possible .. i dont meet the surgeon till the 31 st so thought i would as k you all .. also has anyone had sucess w/ finacing plastic surgery with credit that wasnt so good .. w/o paying cash tell me what some of you have done .. please i would love to see pics of anchor cuts as well as c sec cut ... also i have this fat roll i guess it is love handles i want them removed what is that called the area is on my lower back and sides above my crack lol it makes all my jeans fit akward .. tia
I suggest Capital One. They have a program for plastic surgery loans. My credit isn't so hot and they approved a $5000 loan but the interest rate is a little high
. I don't know yet whether I will need the loan but it is nice to know it's there. The website is