Happy New Year (a couple weeks late)
Hello WLS family! Wow, it seems like forever since I've been on here. I miss you guys.
Anyway, I made the big move to Plano (North Dallas) in November, and have been up to my A$$ in work since then...holidays were a whirlwind, and it has been crazy remodeling the house, etc. But, things are finally getting normal..HECTIC and BUSY..but normal.
I hope you guys are doing well--reading through the posts looks like a lot of us still have some weight to lose--myself included. Another 35 pounds or so. PS is out of the question, so I'll just have to tone up as much as possible and live with the flab.
My eating is sporatic--some days it seems like all I do is eat, and others I have no appetite at all. And two days ago, something got stuck and I spent the entire evening bowing to the porcelain god--boy did THAT bring back the memories of the first few weeks post-op!
Anyway, I love you all and wish you all the very best in 2006! I'll try to be a better boy about staying in touch.
Until next time, keep smiling and as always, keep the faith!
338/218/185 -120 and 33 to goal
on 1/19/06 10:11 pm - NJ
on 1/19/06 10:11 pm - NJ
Jeff, it's so nice to hear from you and to hear that you're doing well!!
There are times that I feel like I could eat anything and everything and I wonder if I even had the surgery. Then low and behold, I'll eat a bit of something and spend hours barfing...not a nice reminder!!
Anyway, don't be a stranger Jeff. Love ya back!!