Hi July Friends, remember me???

on 12/29/05 10:32 pm - southbridge, MA
This is my first visit back to the boards since the Summer. To be honest, I feel like the first WLS failure! . I am at about 289, up from my lowest of 279, starting the day of surgery at 360. I know I don't eat the right foods. I still get full and feel it, but can eat a lot before that happens! I am planning on going to Weigh****chers within the next couple of weeks to get back into the healthy eating and nutritional aspect of things. I really am bummed that I only lost this little bit. But, I know it's better than being 380 which I was at my highest. Right now I'm going through a ton of job STRESS! I switched jobs back in October from TD Banknorth to Worcester Credit Union. I was Head Teller at TD and am Head Teller at the Credit Union. The reason for leaving TD was the requirement being made on making after hour sales calls. I didnt want to be a telemarketer! But now the extra travel is absoutely killing me. And, its not so much the distance as it is the traffic. Its only the next city over from where I already worked. There are also a lot of very young girls (some are only 17) that work there and they are so unproffesional. I am so sick of having to talk to them everyday! But, there is also some in there 40s and 50s that I cant get through to also! I feel its so important to be proffessional in a finacial institution because thats where people have entrusted their money to you. So, I have applications, resumes, and phone calls out everywhere closer to home. I really only started the process on Tuesday, but am already getting antsy because no one has responded. I am pretty sure about one bank, I know they are looking for two Full Time Tellers, but Im sure they havent gotten the chance to maybe review my application, I had to pick it up and I mailed it into them on Wednesday. I never experienced hating to go to work so much! I really am tempted to give my two week notice now, hoping that I will have a job at the end of those two weeks. But, I carry the insurance for my family, and finacially I cant go on "maybes". On better notes, my son turned 18 on December 19th, and we had a surprise party for him a couple weeks before at a local hall. He will be graduating in June, and has applied to College to get into the Nursing Program. His GPA is lower than the standard for the program, but his SAT score is good and he has two teacher reccomendations, and wrote an essay. I know that he will probably get into the College at least. My oldest one is also still in high school and we are hoping she graduates this year also. She turned 20 in October. She still hasnt passed her MCAS math which is a requirement in Mass. I give her credit for staying in school, Im not sure I would! My youngest will be 9 on January 9th. She is in 3rd grade and does excellent. We all had a very nice Christmas. I hope this LONG message finds everyone well! I hope to hear back from everyone and have a SUPER New Year!!!!!
Monna W.
on 12/30/05 11:22 am - Susanville, CA
Lisa, I know you must be disappointed about the amount you have lost. Hang in there, and get back to basics and the weight should start to come off again. I have been writing down my planned menu the night before. I don't always stick to it, but writing it helps me really think about my food choices. I am losing again very slowly. I started at 389 and I was so thrilled when I got below 300 and then I reached a plateau for several weeks. During that time, I really considered how far I had come and made up my mind that if that was the end of the weight loss, I was still glad I had the surgery. There are some of us who are posting our plans daily hoping to really jumpstart the losing again. Realizing we have almost passed our final honeymoon time, we know we have to work harder than we did a few months ago. We just have to use our tool. Monna
(deactivated member)
on 12/30/05 11:50 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Lisa, you aren't alone in your fight. Please don't think that you are the only one struggling or failing. You are just one of the few willing to admit that you are having a tough time. I, too, struggle with my food issues. I've been lucky that the scale hasn't really caught up with me yet, although I haven't lost anything for two months, and tend to bounce back and forth between 234 and 227. I have a long way to go, and sometimes I don't know if I'll EVER get to where I want to be. Right now, my goal is to get down to 200 by the summer, just in time to work on having baby #2. I WAS going to wait until I reached goal, but that might NEVER happen...so 200 is where I'm headed now. But no matter what, I have my life back and a future. Just remember that without surgery, our futures were very dim. As Monna said, hang in there. I know it's tough, and the whole "diet" mentality is getting old. You just have to take it all one day at a time. Even if you can only make 50% of the days healthy ones, I'd say that's pretty good. After all, a batter that hits .500 would be AWESOME by any standards...so why can't the same be said for healthy habits? Remember, you aren't alone!
on 12/31/05 8:53 am
Hi Lisa! You are definitely not alone... and definitely not a WLS failure. 71 lbs. is a LOT of weight and I know there are things you can do now that you couldn't do 71 lbs. ago. Could you have lost 71 lbs without WLS. Without WLS you probably would have gained more (I know I would have by now!). You have a leg up with Weigh****chers. You have your pouch that will help restrict you from eating too much of even the stuff that's good for you. My highest was 326... my lowest since WLS is 218.. Today, I am 229!!! I have been around the same weight (give or take 5 lbs) for the last 6 months. The honeymoon phase may be over, but we still have the pouch and we can still work it! My plan is to post my meal plan the day before on this website. At the end of they day, I'll post how I did (successes and failures). Why don't you join me and few other July babies who have more to lose. Please don't give up and don't get down on yourself as it will only lead to the vicious cycle we've all experienced.... I eat because I'm down, I'm down because I haven't lost weight, I haven't lost weight because I eat, I eat because I'm down.... We all know the drill! It's not over and you can still do this... Draw a line in the sand and get back with a plan. A plan that works for you. You may fail on occasion, but just don't quit. Forgive yourself and move on. I'm talking to me too! I just left the grocery store and saw an article in "People" while standing in the checkout line about a woman who lost 160 lbs in one year without WLS. Losing 160 was my goal within 12 months with WLS. I suddenly felt hopeless, why didn't I lose all my weight within one year. The answer is obvoius, I wasn't complaint. Well, it's too late to cry over spilled milk. I've got to get into damage control mode, what can I do now to succeed. The answer... get back on the horse and keep trying. Hang in there... you can... we can do this!! Happy New Year.. Denise 326/229 59 stubborn lbs to go!
Irene S.
on 1/1/06 11:59 am - NJ
Hi Lisa, Don't blame yourself or feel like the first wls failure. If you are able to eat normal portions, it's possible that you have a problem that needs to be corrected. Have you discussed this with your surgeon? Irene
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