need help /info and input

on 7/21/05 10:00 am - washington, MO
Well i dont feel as if i have failed , but i want to step my game up a notch . my goal is to reach 140-145 and then get a tummy tuck i am at 160 now and have been for 6 months . Some days i struggle to eat . others i want to eat all day . I do see the head demons lurking alot now . I never have measured my portions or eaten a specific amout , or tracked my calories . and that whole process losses me . most days i get in all my water and protein but not every day .I do notice once again i can look in the mirror and feel like a million bucks and the next day feel Fat AND SLIPPING AGAIN . and it depresses me . I am happy w/ my progress and at -110 pounds loss . feel wonderful however my dr did say people usually do gain some at this point . well i dont want to gain that 10-20 pounds he mentioned . knowing this i still cant motivate myself to run on the tredmill get on the boflex or even walk dealing w/ 7 kids 24/7 has me really stressed out I need a JOB outside of my home . but my duty is here for a couple more years but mentally that is hard cause the fridge is here the couch tv soaps talk shows . I guess i just need a push or smacked , yelled at something I dont want to slip my head says one thing and then another message says theres always tom . well tom never comes . I do good as far as no sweets no soda 1 cup coffee and soda and sweets was my down fall . now i just need a plan to follow like what meals you eat on a daily basis . protein drinks dont fill me up .. I to still drink and eat but have been doing better at this . please anyone help ...... i seem to be a year out and kinda lost a little .. and you all are the only ones who can help and understand .. thank you all . I love the help and the fact of having such an extended family ..:hugs:
tammy 5xblessed
on 7/21/05 1:51 pm - Florence, AL
You look like TWO MILLION bucks! On the Bama board, we have been talking about going back to the basics or trying one of the plateau breaker diets. I was stuck for a while. I stopped eating carbs, I upped my protein and water in take, and I have started losing again. I was eating crackers every day because in my mind, I was feeling queasy. I really wasn't feeling sick, but I ate the peanutbutter crackers DAILY. I was also eating lowfat Wheat Thins. Someone suggested a food journal, but I don't have time for that. I guess I will find time if I start gaining I wish you the best! Love and happiness, Tammy
on 7/21/05 6:43 pm - southbridge, MA
Hi Sherri, Heres a hug for you... I know you dont need to hear it ... but you have come so far! And, weight loss surgery or not, ANYONE with the responsibilites you have of staying home with 7 kids is going to go a little stir crazy. I always thought the hardest job I ever did was staying home with my baby. (Of couse also the best job ;) NO ONE is perfect and always exercises, never has treats, measures everything, etc. Take one step at a time. Focus on your wonderful successes. It sounds like you need to have a little more "Sherri" time. Instead of worrying about what your not doing or doing wrong, try a little hobby maybe. Reading? I absolutely LOVE it. And, I didnt always. Take 20 mins while the kids are playing, mute the TV, and get into a book. I also cross stitch. That you can do right while the TV is on. Do your nails. Dont add more responsibilites right now like "I have to get on the treadmill", "I better measure that", "I cant eat that". Try to relax a little more. Give Sherri a break!!!! She deserves one.... Lisa in Mass 360/283/164
Towanda Strong3
on 7/21/05 8:23 pm - Somewhere in, CT
Hi Sherri~ Some good advice given you here. I just read a reply from Tooters, to a post that was similar to yours... here is the link to her "stalled" plan with suggestions, etc. Hope it helps. Hang in there. Towanda
Traci K.
on 7/21/05 10:03 pm - Sullivan, MO
You're doing great Sherri! I admit, I also don't want to gain that weight Dr. R. mentioned, but then, I never had an end number in mind for me - just a normal BMI. I'm still 2 lbs away from that, and with this heat, I've been retaining a little water and my weight is bouncing up and down another 2 lbs. I'm praying you make your goal. Hang in there girl!! Traci 250/151/149
on 7/22/05 12:38 am - Sparks, NV
Sherri, I can't tell you how much I can relate! I could have written this post myself. I have 4yr old triplets and have been a stay at home mom for over 4yrs now and I'm DYING to get out of the house. I have 2 more years til they go to school full time and its depressing and hard for me too. I've been teetering between 158-161 for months now and I feel like this is it. The difference is, I work out 3-5 days a week. My surgeon at my one year checkup says I'm a ball of muscle and just need PS and I'm fine. But then why am I still 10lbs from the "normal" bmi range ya know? I have days like you where I just want to eat all day and do. Then the next 2 days I'll be great and so on. I guess this is where we have to tighten our belts and really stick with the program. I wish I had some advice for you. When I find it for me, I'll share it with you. Hang in there, we're doing great as far as I'm concerned. Hugs, Deejay 259/158/150 -101 8 more til goal!
on 7/22/05 1:05 am - washington, MO
THANK EACH ONE OF YOU FOR POSTING .. this morning i am starting back w/ protein shake for breakfast . having cheese stick at mid morning . and tuna for lunch . I just needed to hear i am not alone i guess and possibly vent . it is time to discipline me and my body .. And you are so right i do need some me time and me and hubby time . all i get is kid timr But i really wouldnt trade it for anything this is the best job just hard . but noone else can raise them the way i want them to be .. I just feel the tred mill isnt me time it is something else i have to do .. but i need to rethink that . it really is for me to improve me .. thank you all you all are worth a million bucks i so value your thoughts and opinions and critisizm ..
(deactivated member)
on 7/22/05 1:24 am - Somewhere Else
I had typed out a huge response to this earlier, then crashed and lost it I'll just say that I think you've done great and I wish you wouldn't get down. I've been lucky enough to not go through stalls etc...but I have issues too, just the oposite of yours though...(just as scary though). We all have our *fat* days too...I think that's normal... Just know I'm thinking about you and sending you hugs. I hope that your loss gets a jumpstart soon. Take care... Linda 268/134.5 BELOW GOAL! and.....ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wedding date set: August 5th, 2006!)
on 7/22/05 1:25 am - Las Vegas, NV
Sherri, Hang in there girl. You have done and awsome job so far. I am sure you will get back on track and start lossing again. I have faith in you. I know how it is to struggle with the food demons. But we can do this. We are stronger then them. I know the stress with the kids too!!! I have 3 of the 4 with me and I can't imagine how hard it is raising 7 of them. But you are doing a great job. Take a breath and relax you will start to lose again. I love ya girl. Go get emmm. You can do this. Love Danelle
on 7/22/05 2:14 pm - TX
Hey Sherri, just want to send you a big hug and some comforting thoughts are coming your way as well. I think we're all struggling at this point in our journeys, particularly those of us that still have weight to lose. Just remember how far we've come, and we certainly didn't get to our heaviest weight in a year, so we can't expect to lose it all in a year. Though I am discouraged, I am proud of what I've done, and I know I will lose more weight and eventually get closer to goal. You should be proud of yourself as well. You are a beautiful, talented girl, and you deserve every happiness. Hang in there, and know that we're all rooting for you! Jeff -119
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