Hi everyone and happy anniversy to all!!!
I just got back from vacation with my family
we have been gone for 1 month......I am so proud of myself for driving to Missouri & back on my own (my husband was only able to get a week & 1/2 vacation, so he flew & I had horrible panic attacks when driving before I lost all this weight...
I couldn't drive far on the freeway without freaking out a year ago!!) Not only did I drive there and back I hiked around the grand canyon with my kids, learned to drive a boat & dock it myself, played volleyball, I could go on & on about what I did because I accomplished so much and had a blast with my family while doing it!!!!
I sure wouldn't or couldn't have done any of it without wls!!! Im just so PROUD of myself!!!!
We will probably move to Mo in a few months. We just have to finalize some things and sell our house here.
EEk another new adventure to begin!!!!
While I was gone I managed to lose -5 lbs. I dumped a few times on 1/2 a wine cooler the first time and a mini muffin the second time. I also learned how to graze when I was driving
(not good) so I have to get back on track now that I am home, which I am doing good so far......though my exercise is at a zero right now because Im so worn out
I just wanted to check in and say Happy Anniversy to all!!!