on 7/13/05 9:06 am - Pine Hill, NJ
Hi all. I am in desperate need of some help here. If someone has any suggestions please feel free to email me. Well here is my problem. The past couple of days I have been like eating all day it seems. I have been nibbling on just about everything. Not anything bad, and not a whole lot but it has got to stop before I lose control. What can I do and does this happen to anyone else?? I go to my surgeon tomorrow for my 1 yr. checkup, I guess I will talk to him also. I gained 4 lbs this week and I don't like it. To date so far I have lost 160 lbs. and I would like to go down about 40 more lbs. I can't get there this way. PLEASE HELP!! I have been thinking of getting an appetite suppresant?? Think this will help? Thanks for all your help and congrats on the July anniversaries!!! Linda
on 7/13/05 10:52 pm - San Antonio, TX
Keep your chin up Linda! I too have gone through days where all I want to do is snack. On those days I try to make sure the snacks are healthy and I make sure that every time I want to reach for food, I go for a glass of chrystal lite... if I am still wanting to chew something in 20 minutes, I'll have something. the gym is critical! You will reach your goal, but believe me, you need to make sure you are getting your target heart rate in the right zone for at least 25 minutes a day... and that does not include the warm-up or cool down time (average 35 - 40 minutes of cardio to account for it all). Lifting light weights will hlep too, asl your body will inclrease its metabolism if you do weight training. You will do it! Ileana
on 7/14/05 5:40 am - NJ
Hi Linda - no, you're not alone. I have days that I feel like I never get full, and more than that, I feel like I want to nibble all day. These are old behaviors that I have a really hard time with - stress and emotional eating. What HAS changed, is that I'm not eating tubs of ice cream or cookies or chips. I'm eating healthier things, but there have been times that I've eaten close to a cup of peanut butter (not all in one sitting, but in a 24 hour period) or three Atkins bars in one day in addition to regular meals. I don't know that there is any magical answer to the compulsion other than to just keep telling myself NO. I have been wondering about going on Wellbutrin or something to help with the compulsion. I understand that unlike other anti-depressants, it doesn't cause weight gain. Right now I am trying to lose my last 20 lbs. I was on vacation last week and I also gained 4 lbs. (we also had a huge family party, but still I ate much more than I should have). This week I am getting back on track and have lost 2 of the 4, but I am kind of starving myself in the morning and don't eat until late in the day. I don't know how else to do it. If I eat, it sets the 'machine' in motion. I can go all day without eating, but once I start it's hard to stop. I'm trying to get in tons of water and get my exercise going again. I really want to be a success, but I feel as if I haven't even had the surgery. Every day is a struggle not to overeat. I heard once that it takes 3-6 months to break a habit...well, my compulsion to overeat isn't showing any sign of breaking. I'm hoping to find a support group or perhaps see a therapist for some help. That's my next step. Hang in there Linda, and feel free to email me if you want to. Hugs, Nancy -116
on 7/14/05 1:41 pm - Tupper Lake, NY
I have reached my goal weight but do worry about gaining weight back. I also feel like I could nibble all day but try to only have "good" foods around. I eat more fruit, veggies, cheese, etc. I have also started a large vegetable garden following the advice of starting a new hobby. It has given me something new to obsess about that is still food related. I also find that I am often confusing thirst with hunger and try to drink something before deciding to eat. I wish you the best, don't give in.
on 7/19/05 10:47 am - Pine Hill, NJ
Thank you all for helping with your suggestions and advice. I will surely stick in there, I will not let this bring me down. I will definitely get to my goal if it takes me another year. I just need to get the mind on other things. As long as I keep busy I should be ok. And get more water in me!! That is my main problem I think is not enough water. Sometimes the water just isn't enough though. You need some flavor in our lives once in a while!!! LOL I think it would be better for me if I didn't have a family that could eat a horse and not gain an ounce!!!! LOL Oh well I will get there. Thank you all for the understanding. I don't know where I would be if you guys weren't here!!!! Linda
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