Here we go again....

(deactivated member)
on 6/15/05 1:55 am - Somewhere Else
Hiyas gang... Hope all is well with everyone out there. Well, ok, when the heck does this weightloss stop??? Or at least slow down??? I lost another 3 pounds this week! I'm well past my goal now, by 12.5 pounds and I'm beginning to get concerned here...even the Dr at my checkup kinda looked worried when he checked my weight then mentioned that I'd lose more after the PS...well shee****'s not like I'm not eating! I don't think I'm looking unhealthy as yet, but then again I do get far too many *skinny* comments ...bought size 6 capris yesterday and they're even a little loose...(and mind you that's with my extra skin too ) I don't want to lose anymore! I don't want to be skinny and unhealthy! That is NOT better than being obese.... My Dr didn't really tell me anything...and as I said...I EAT! *sigh* thanks for listening know me, little Miss Positivity...but damn I'm getting worried here. Linda 268/137.5 BELOW GOAL! and.....ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wedding date set: August 5th, 2006!)
on 6/15/05 2:13 am - Las Vegas, NV
Heya Linda, You need to come to Vegas and let me have some of whatever you have!! Hang in there you will be fine. I know you are scared. But I am sure it has to stop. I wish I were having that problem. I still have 8 pounds til I get to the goal I set for myself and 13 for the DR. I don't think I am ever going to get there. You have done such a great job and Im so proud of ya. You need to take a new picture miss skinny. Well girl I have faith and know that you will be just fine. Just think now you are worried about getting to skinny who would have ever thought that would ever be a concern!! We worrie about getting to fat and now to skinny. Boy does it ever end??? LOL Well you take care girl. I luv Ya! Danelle
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/05 2:29 am - Somewhere Else
Thanks Danelle, you're a sweetie! I sure never thought I'd worry about becoming too thin but this is weird! I only managed to maintain for 3 weeks at 150, then *poof* there it goes...every week I lose...I have no idea what to change, I eat everything, always have... Linda 268/137.5 BELOW GOAL! and.....ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wedding date set: August 5th, 2006!)
on 6/15/05 3:29 am - NJ
It's that positive attitude - a little negativity will set you right and you'll gain weight like crazy!!! Jeesh, I know the first thing I want to say is that I wish you were closer so I could rub your head, but I know it's a concern for you. Maybe a chat with the doc about your concerns and don't let him blow you off. Suggestion #2: Eat 1/2 cup of peanut butter every day.... Hugs, Nancy -113
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/05 3:54 am - Somewhere Else
LOL maybe you're right...I need to become nagtive and worry about gaining, then it'll come. I wish I could bottle this so everyone would get to goal and be where they want to be, as long as they can stop at goal! PB instead of the jellybeans eh? Hugs! Linda 268/137.5 BELOW GOAL! and.....ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wedding date set: August 5th, 2006!)
on 6/15/05 10:57 am - Spicewood, TX
Linda: You ask the question I have been asking.. I keep hearing that I need to eat different things...etc. I eat ALL the time.........And lots of "bad" food...and the weight keeps coming off. I am not having PS....but I am scared to death the weight lose won't stop...And F*** the positivity...I want to quit losing weight. Anne 263/150/145
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/05 12:41 pm - Somewhere Else
LOL... Well Anne, I hope for our sake that it stops before we disappear! Linda 268/137.5 BELOW GOAL! and.....ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wedding date set: August 5th, 2006!)
on 6/15/05 11:57 am - Racine, WI
Hi Linda, Sorry to hear you're getting concerned about losing too much. I guess that's part of this weight loss thing that we don't really think about until we get to that point. Many people have asked me how I was going to STOP the weight loss...I just assumed it would happen naturally...but maybe it won't! My suggestion would be to make an appointment with your nutritionist soon. Maybe he/she can give you some good pointers to slow down the weight loss. Although it's hard for any of us to believe that losing too much is a problem, it certainly can be if we let it get out of hand. Please call your nutritionist or primary care doctor to see what they suggest. WE NEED YOU TO STAY HEALTHY!!!! We NEED your positivity around here! ((((((((HUGS))))))) Gail D. 252/142/135
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/05 12:45 pm - Somewhere Else
Hiyas Gail! Thanks so much You know, I don't even have a nutritionist...I do have a friend who is a dietician though, I may call her...or my GP, because trying to talk to my surgeon is pointless...he just has no time. My BMI so far isn't at the danger point, but I'm boney! I can see my ribs! 18.9 is the border of normal and underweight....I'm 22.3 let's hope I stay healthy...if not, I'm going to have to start eating everything in sight! Hugs! Linda 268/137.5 BELOW GOAL! and.....ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wedding date set: August 5th, 2006!)
on 6/15/05 9:52 pm - San Antonio, TX
Gail is right, if you are getting concerned about the loss (and it sounds like you are getting close) then you should definatly see a nutritionist. He/she should be able to tell you how to eat so that your body burns calories in a right way. Good luck girl and keep your chin up! And remember... you are goign to have to post wedding pictures! ! ! Ileana 282/176/150
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