How much do you eat?

on 6/6/05 2:39 am - SC
I'm wondering about volume here. My after care program is in the toilet (director of the program took the money and ran!) and my surgeon is great but he's not a nutritionist or food expert. So I'm left a bit unsure of how much I should be eating now at 11 months out. I guess I'm asking the old "am I normal" question. The program guy said 1/2 C every 2.5-3 hours. He also said no spices because dogs eat the same thing every day and they don't get tired of it. Not so much with the inspiring trust. 1/2 C doesn't really cut it for me these days. I try to eat 3x a day with a fruit or protein snack if i need one. I don't count my protein shakes as a meal but if I did I guess I'd be getting 5 meals a day. So what are you eating? How much, I mean. What volume, how many times a day... Thanks July babies!! MM
on 6/6/05 3:33 am - Rio Rancho, NM
Hi Minnie! Right now I'm a grazer - eating smaller meals all day long. I've found this keeps me from eating too much at one time. I try to keep my mini-meals to 1 C. or less and am still counting my calories and trying to stay below 1500 a day. I also exercise daily and try to be more active than before. I'm between 4-5 pounds from my doctor's goal and may try to lose another five after that for some comfort room. We'll see how that goesl. Hope this helps! Cindy
us2bfat C.
on 6/6/05 5:25 am - selden, NY
i think it depends are you at goal? are you still trying to lose? are you maintaining? its all according to where you are with your weight loss i am trying to maintain because i am at goal so i added another meal to my day i try not to graze but fall short sometimes... you have to do whats right for you and where your at.. i hope this helps stacy 232/139 at goal!!!!!
Traci K.
on 6/6/05 7:38 am - Sullivan, MO
Well that would be fine if we were DOGS! But we're not. I do use spices and actually find spicy foods seem to satisfy me better than bland food. As for how much I'm eating - it seems to depend on the day and what type of food I'm eating. I would say my average is 3/4 cup of food at a time. I pretty much eat three meals a day and usually at least one protein snack each day. Traci 250/155/149 - only 6 lbs from goal!
(deactivated member)
on 6/6/05 12:07 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
I never was very good about measuring my foods. I mean, don't you think it's pretty hard to fit a sandwich into a measuring cup I think for the most part, I eat about 1 cup per meal...if it were all smooshed up, anyway. 1 full cup of vegetables does NOT take up 1 full cup in my I figure I have about 3 oz of meat and 1 cup of veggies for dinner...oh, I don't know...But that's what I generally eat! I can eat one cup of pasta and an apple for a meal (I did that tonight) and be full without being FULL. But for breakfast, a protein shake takes me forever to drink and leaves me full for HOURS. Lunch is generally a sandwich (wrap style with low-carb tortilla/2 oz turkey/1 slice ff cheese) and 1/2 cup cottage cheese. But I can tell you that there are days (especially when I've fallen off the wagon, which has been a recurring theme for me lately) that I figure I'm probably eating 2 cups of food at a time. I try not to think so much in portion sizes compared to my stomach. I TRY to stay between 800 and 1200 calories, but I know I've gotten WAY above that at times. I do measure out easily measured foods (veggies, for one) so that I know the calorie content. My dietician says that 1200 is a good number to stay below, although I've heard other surgeons say that 800 is the absolute maximum if you're still losing weight. I don't know...the way I see it, my body loses when it wants to. I've tried staying at 800 with no loss, I've tried 1300 with no loss. So I'm at a loss... As for protein shakes and bars...if I eat a whole one at once, it's a meal. If I split into 1/2, it's a snack for me...but then I don't have another snack. And spices! That guy must have been a moron! If I didn't have spices, I'd go nuts. Cumin, chili powder, garlic...awesome stuff. I don't like cilantro or thyme, though. And as Tracy said, the spicier the food, the more satisfied I am. I recently read that spicy food helps supress the appetite. Well, I could have told them that 11 months ago! As long as you are getting your protein and are either losing weight or maintaining weight (if that's what your goal is), I don't think it matters how many times a day you eat. If it's working for you, that's what you need to do. It sounds like you're doing okay, but if you need to eat more than 1/2 cup, do it...but make sure it's not junk. Okay, I guess my answer was WAYYYYY too don't mind me...I'm in a babbling mood. Pamela aka "Motormouth" (that really WAS my nickname when I was a kid!)
on 6/6/05 11:40 pm - NJ
Mia - first of all, I have to say I think the program guy is an IDIOT. Dogs eat the same thing every day because they HAVE to. I have one dog who is very fussy. I made the mistake of putting yogurt in his food (it cuts down on doggie farts!) and now he won't eat unless there's yogurt in it. That was a really dopey thing for that guy to say(IMHO). Personally, I'd be insulted if I was compared to a dog. OK, I feel better now.... Volume-wise, a lot depends on the density of the food. I can eat a lot of lettuce, because it gets really packed down after it's chewed, and is mostly water. I can't eat much plain tuna or fish or chicken - it's too dense and I get sick. I still dont' do well with breads, and I haven't had pasta since my surgery (I can't believe that...I used to be a pasta-holic!!). I try and watch my calories, carbs and protein. I log everything onto I still want to lose weight (another 15 lbs. or so) so I generally stay 800 calories or below, 30 carbs or below, and over 70 protein. This seems to be working right now. If I go over those numbers, I can gain so fast it's amazing (and scary). Hugs, Nancy -113
on 6/7/05 12:14 am - SC
I knew my July friends would help me out on this one! I'm still trying to lose...15 pounds to my doc's goal of 130 but I'd like to get to 125. I've slowed WAY down. Like 2 whole freakin' pounds last month. So far I've been keeping calories around 1000-1200, >100g protein, 25g fat or less, and 30g carbs or so. Maybe I need to cut back the calories? Dunno. I've also started, in the last few weeks, doing a pretty intense workout and I know I'm building muscle so the stall in weight loss shouldn't freak me out but it does! This morning I'm having 6oz yogurt, 2T flax seeds and maybe an orange if I feel like I need a little more. I doubt it, though, I'm feeling pretty satisfied. Lunch will be 1/2 C chicken salad (with pears & walnuts instead of pickle-y stuff and fat free MW) and 1/2 C lentil salad. I guess I've been surprised/worried that I could eat a whole cup but it doesn't sound like I'm being totally abnormal. As far as that wackadoo program director...yup. He and I mixed like a wet cat and rabid dog. He hated me and I returned the favor. He also told us that we shouldn't do any exercise except walking until we got *below* goal, then we could add weight training to get back up to goal. Nutcase. Every time I think of some of the crapola he told us my blood boils. OH! And my current therapist used to work for him. He told her that she was not to let us call her by her first name, we had to say Doctor X. Arrogant (*&%(#*&. Fortunately, my surgeon is the polar opposite. Brilliant, practical, caring, humble... Thanks again all of you! Here's to continued success for all of us! MM 262/251/145.8/130 7/13/04
on 6/7/05 11:29 am - Spicewood, TX
Minnie: I am 2 days younger then you...And below goal weight....But - one of the problems I have encountered is a lack of energy and many, many dizzy spills. After having a few gallons of blood taken/labbed/etc. and the doctor told me they could "Find nothing wrong with me" - I decided that I needed to take control of the situation. So - I worked on finding out what works for me - what makes me feel good (or for me - relatively good - since I have not felt really good since having surgery - but that is a whole other issue) What works for me is: I eat 6 meals a day. The first meal is ALWAYS protein - usually cottage cheese or yogurt. I eat about once every 2 1/2 hours. Lots of protein. I get in at least 70 grams of protein a day. I always eat right before bed - seems to keep away the yucky early morning feeling. I DON'T do protein shakes - I do use the GNC liquid protein though. I also make sure that I have some vitamin C be 1000am every day (usually a glass of OJ) Bottomline - I think all wls patients have to figure out what works for them and go w/ that. A
on 6/8/05 10:33 pm - SC
Man, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles! But I'm so glad to hear you've found what works for you! I never thought of the Vitamin C, but since I seem to bruise so easily since surgery it might be something to consider. Thanks so much for the response, it really does help!
Mary M.
on 6/9/05 8:09 am - Neverland, CA
I eat have 3 meals a day and if I snack it is on a Philly Swirl Stix or SF Jello (I limit this as I do not want to start grazing). Sounds like the program fellow is not on the ball. Really at this point you can eat about anything if you still need to loose then stick to a plan of mainly meat & veges, otherwise you may want to incorperate some whole grain carbs to your deit. In the morning I either have 1 egg w/cheese and lean bacon or morning start sausage or a protein shake (normally the shake). Lunch is usually 2-3 oz of lean meat (chicken, turkey or pork tenderloin) and salad (lettuce 1/2 cup, cucumber (2 in), red onion a few thin slices, sometimes I add avacado or cheese. My dressing is homemade little olive oil w/ white baslamic vinegar and salt & pepper). If I go out I order a grilled chicken or cobb salad w/dressing on the side (for dipping purposes). Dinner is usually 2 -3 oz fish or lean meat w/veges 1/2 cup cooked (brocolli, cauliflower & carrots I use salt & pepper or asparagus, grean beans or whatever is fresh I personally stay away from corn, peas & beets). If we go out for dinner I get some sort of lean meat w veges & salad, or chicken or shrimp fajitas, no rice, beans w/cheese. Hugs, Mary
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