AARRGGHH!! I'm SO frustrated!!

on 5/26/05 10:52 pm - NJ
I've been really good lately - or so I thought. I've been staying under 800 calories a day, walking 3 miles, under 30 carbs, under 25 fat, and over 80g protein, at least 64oz water - EVERY day. I was weighing in at 165 - not losing, but that's not unusual for me. This morning I get on the scale and I'm 167!! What the HE77?!?!?!? I feel like I just can't win, and no matter what I do, this body will sabotage me and gain weight. I've decided I'm going to up my calories to 1000 a day - still staying low on carbs and fats and high on protein. I'm tired of feeling like I'm starving only to gain weight. I know some people say that maybe I'm not eating enough, but when I have upped my calories in the past, I've gained weight. I'm going to try it again just because I'm so frustrated ~ and hungry. Thanks for listening my friends - I'm just venting. As I said, I'm frustrated and sometimes feel like giving up....but I won't. I'll keep plugging away and my next step might be Weigh****chers or something like that. I never thought I'd have to do that before my first year was up!! I feel like the only time I post is when I'm having problems, but on the other hand, I don't seem to have any goals met recently....WAAAAAAA! I want to post and say, I'm five pounds from goal, or something...BIG SIGH.....Anyhoo.... Hugs, and thanks for being my support system - luv you all!!! Nancy -110 (again....)
on 5/27/05 12:06 am - Kokomo, IN
Nanc-- I've heard it all, too. "you need to eat more", "you need to eat less", "you should eat more carbs/protein/whatever", "you should relax", "you're gaining muscle", "drink more/less water", "change your exercise routine", "eat breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast".....I could go on, but I'm sure you've heard all of these, too. It just seems that for no reason, our bodies will retain a few pounds for whatever reason (I think of it like a rebellious teenager fighting the system, even though the system is really good for it). I'm a daily weigher, and I have seen these fluctuations of loss and then gain for no reason. There have also been times where I was pleasantly suprised when I stepped on the scale to see I'd lost a pound or two, even though I should have gained. Man, you are so close to goal, and so much healtheir now. Don't sweat the small stuff. Hell, even if it takes you 6 months to lose those 5 pounds, you'll be at goal. After all, it took years to become overweight. It just amazes me at how fast we've become "normal"--well, at least in body size. It sucks, but it will pass. Those pounds will be gone before you know it, and then you can stress about maintaining. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. Diana
on 5/27/05 3:32 am - NJ
Thanks Diana - I know you've had your frustrations too. It's just that I try so hard and it makes me CRAZY! I've thought maybe I shouldn't weigh every day, but I'm afraid if I weighed after a week, I'd be up 10 lbs!! Hugs, N.
on 5/27/05 12:10 am - Las Vegas, NV
AWWW Nancy,I luv ya, Big hugs coming your way. Hang in there. It has to happen sooner than later. I know we would like the sooner part. I have been doing the same thing. I have been eating nothing but cheese,cottage cheese,and tuna for almost 7 days now. I am getting so sick of it. I have been eating about 800 calories and like 30 carbs. My nutristionist told me to eat 1200 calories and get atleast 100 carbs at the minimum. I thought she was crazy. She said that in order to lose weight and not make your body think its starving is to eat that. I still haven't gotten brave enough to do that. 100 Carbs just sounds way to high. Maybe some day I will get despret enough to try it. I had been stuck at 144 and started eating high protein foods and lost 3 pounds and I have gained one back. I know I am going to have my monthly friend any day now so maybe thats why. Ok enough rammbling for me. You have done a great job and have come so far. Don't give up hang in there. You will meet your goal. Look how sexy ya are now!!! Keep looking at your old pics. That always seems to help me. Well you take care and I luv ya girl. Luv Danelle
on 5/27/05 3:36 am - NJ
Hi Dani - if I ate 100 carbs a day I'd be OUT OF CONTROL!! Deep down, I know we will all reach our goals, it's just gotten so much harder now. I am going to try the 1000 calories, and see what happens. Thanks for your kindness - you're a doll! Hugs, N.
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/05 12:25 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Hang in there, your body will get it sorted out eventually! I bounce back and forth all the time (but I always stick with my lowest weight). I pretty much eat 1200 calories in any given day, sometimes more, sometimes less (though I admit that's rare!). Any less than 1200, and I feel like I'm starving AND being deprived which leads me to binge...or as much as a binge as my stomach will allow, anyway. According to "The Biggest Loser" website, the red team leader said to vary your calories on a daily basis to keep your body guessing (they still never went below 1200, though, and lost a lot!). You might want to try that...so some days you might still feel hungry if you stick with 800 calories, but other days you might feel really full if you bump up to 1000 or even 1200. At least, you can try it for a couple of weeks. I'm still plugging along...trying to do my best on my good days and feeling guilty on my bad days. My scale at home this morning said 249, which is lower than it has been at home, but who knows what that scale at the gym would say! I've tried to get my scale matched to the gym scale, and it's been accurate lately, although the other day, the gym had me up four. Maybe I should never step on the scale again! On second thought, that's a BAD idea. That's how I got up to 352 in the first place...never getting on a scale! Well, that and eating...but if I had know I had eaten my way up to 300 lbs, I would have stopped. Well, it's a theory, anyway Okay, enough rambling for me. I've got a busy weekend of camping coming up. I've even planned a pretty healthy menu for each meal and snack...if I can avoid my husband's and daughter's snacks. Okay...NOW I'm done writing... Pamela -102 when the scale feels like it
on 5/27/05 3:38 am - NJ
Hi Pam - I'm definitely going to try the higher calories and try and shake things up with this body of mine. I guess we're all struggling in one way or another.... Have a great weekend, and enjoy your camping trip! Hugs, N.
on 5/30/05 12:15 am - Oxnard, CA
Nancy babe......the same thing happens to me. I actually lose the most weight right before my monthly. The rest of the month I bounce up and down like a yo yo. I think its normal. Love ya!!!! Michelle -150 (I'm 5 pounds away from the onederfuls!!!)
Irene S.
on 5/27/05 2:12 am - NJ
Nancy, sounds like you need a big {{{{HUG}}}}! First, you don't post only when you have problems. You're one of the MOST supportive people on this board. We all have difficulties and you're no different. I don't think it's a bad idea to take a break and up those calories. Losing weight is a complicated thing. It sometimes seems that the only thing that works for me at times is to do *something* different! If I'm eating a lot, I'll cut back, if I'm eating little, I'll eat more. If I'm exercising and not losing, I'll ease off or vice-versa. I just can't seem to get on ONE thing that makes weight loss happen magically, even when we were in the so called "honeymoon phase". On a positive note - I know people that have had this surgery that have continued to lose weight past the 2 year window. So even if your body takes a little time off, you are more than likely going to make your goal! Hang in there, and try to remember "The Joy is in the Journey". Relish the compliments and attention that you're getting at this stage, because they stop once people get accustomed to your new weight. Enjoy your success of how far you've come in this SHORT period of time. I'm sure you'd agree that it's a LOOOOOOONG way! No wonder our bodies need a rest! irene P.S. How the HECK did I miss all of you at the convention???!?!!!!
on 5/27/05 3:41 am - NJ
Irene - I was looking for you at the convention. I kept saying to Stacy and Jackie - "I'm trying to find Irene - but I'm not sure what she looks like!" Do you guys still have meetings at St. Joes? I think maybe now it's time I start at least trying that. Let me know, and thanks for the support!! Hugs, N.
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