Advice please? EVIL CARBS!!

Denise Johnson
on 5/24/05 2:57 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
Hi all, I hope everybody is doing fine tonight. I am having a problem that I was hoping somebody could help me with. How do you beat a carb addiction?? I was doing really good untill my 8th month... Then BAM!!!! I have been stuck at 174 since March, with no inches or pounds lost.Then last week I weighed 169. I jumped for joy because the scale FINALLY moved! Well, tonight I weighed 174 AGAIN!!!! I have my 1 year checkup on July 19th, and my Dr. told me at my 6 month appt. that he would expect to see me at 145. At the time I thought, no problem. Well now I am stressing out because I somehow managed to gain 5 lbs. back! There is no way I managed to eat enough to gain 5 pounds since last week. I don't want to dissapoint(sp) my Dr. He gave me my life back, and here I am blowing it. I know for a fact that carbs are the culprit.What can I do to get to where I don't crave them? I am at the point now where I feel like crap if I don't have them, but worse (mentally & physically) if I do (carb coma) I walk 5 miles EVERY day, and still nothing. Can somebody please tell me if you have been in this situation before, and how you managed to get away from the dang carbs?Any advice would be appreciated. Have a good night all, Denise Johnson -104
on 5/24/05 10:06 pm - NJ
Hi Denise - we're surgery twins and it looks like we're both carb addicts too. I've had many battles with carbs, and I realize that it will always be a struggle. I find that the more I have, the more I crave. Once I decided to get back on the wagon, it took about 2 days before I wasn't craving them anymore. No fun, but a good battle to win, if you know what I mean. When I want something carby to snack on, I go for the Snyders Carb-Fix pretzels or Happy Herb's Cuttin'Carbs pretzels. I don't eat bread or rice or pasta, and I don't crave it either. I crave the pretzels, chips, etc. I was stuck at the 174-175 mark for quite awhile and I know in part it was because of my food choices. Right now I'm in a good place, and I'm losing again. Do I think that will last awhile?? Not without a lot of work on my part. I walk at least 3 miles a day and try and do 5 days on, 1 or 2 days off. I read a post on the main board yesterday that said if you exercise every day, you may need to take 4-7 days off of exercise every once in awhile or your body won't let weight go. If you want to go low carb, get all of it out of the house, then expect one or two days of cravings. Drink tons of water to flush your system and keep your pouch full. Raise your protein. Of course this is only what I've done and what works for one doesn't always work for someone else. I also find that logging EVERYTHING I eat on helps enormously. At any given point during the day, I know where I'm at. I want to lose another 20 lbs. (that would make me lower than my doc's expectations and lower than my original goal, but I want to have a buffer zone!). Another 20 would put me at 145 lbs., but truly, I'd be happy at 155. I've made a VOW to myself that I will NEVER go over 175 again. This road is getting more difficult to walk ~ not like in the beginning. We've just got to take it a few steps at a time. Hang in there, and be good to yourself - you're worth it!!! Hugs, Nancy -112
Denise Johnson
on 5/24/05 11:35 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
Thanks for the advice Nancy. I am in the same boat with the type of carbs. I learned the hard way that pasta is a big NO NO for me ! So I don't have any problems staying away from that type of stuff. It's the chips and pretzels that I have a problem with. I am wondering if it might be emotional eating because I found out at the beginning of the year that my BEST friend is moving to Georgia. Now the time has come and she is leaving next week! My whole "comfort" food problem started about the same time I found out she was leaving. I am trying to convince my husband to put in for orders to Moody AFB. since that is where she is going. This is going to be a tough couple of weeks. Have a good day. I'm going to try REALLY hard to be good today. Denise Johnson -104
(deactivated member)
on 5/26/05 6:39 pm
Sorry to butt in... hope you don't mind Here's my personal experience... I was in the same boat, except I only gained 2.5 pounds once (freaked me out!!!) and since I lost them again, I've stayed at the same weight for over a month. I know MY main issue was letting the carbs get back into my diet. I started logging what I ate in and HOLY MOLLY! Without really realizing it, my carb intake was much too high. I'm not talking just the goldfish crackers (my weakness ) but fruits and other foods (like Special K!) which may be healthier, but have high sugar and/or carb content nonetheless... N-E-way... Long story short, I decided to jumpstart my weight loss and seriously get back to basics, so I'm on phase 1 of the South Beach "diet". I don't want to say anything officially yet, because I weigh in on Mondays, but I expect Monday to FINALLY be able to say I'm in the century club! The South Beach "diet" plan is basically doing what they told us we needed to do when we had our surgery. Stay away from the sugars, eat the right carbs in small amounts... If any of you are interested, here's a good site with info: It's definitely getting me right back in track with the correct eating habits, which I needed desperately. Now, I reeeeeaaaaallllly must get that exercise in! Whew!!! Angie 280/182.5/140
Denise Johnson
on 5/27/05 9:27 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
Hi Angie, Thank you for your input. I am going to have to try the phase 1 of the south beach diet plan. I absolutely LOVE the cereal bars and the cereal that they have. And the new meal replacement bars are almost too yummy. Maybe they are part of my problem. Please keep posting on how your doing on the diet. I have no doubt you will be asking for your century club card next week! Good luck to you & take care, Denise Johnson -104
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/05 5:00 pm
Hey Denise... Check my profile on Monday...
Denise Johnson
on 5/29/05 12:10 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
Hi Angie, Okay...I couldn't wait until Monday. I checked a day early. CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to see that you achieved your goal! You have inspired me to get on the right road on my journey. (I guess I took a wrong turn somewhere) Keep up the great work. I'll continue to read your profile to see how your doing. Take Care, Denise
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/05 2:47 pm
Hey you! I couldn't wait 'til Monday to update either... tee hee... Thanks for the congrats! I really feel great about this accomplishment, considering how long I was stuck 3 pounds away from 100... whew! But like I say on my profile... I am totally re-focused, and I intend to see this all the way through. There is no other option but success! BTW, I'm touched and honored by you saying I've inspired you to take charge! I won't take that responsibility lightly!!! 39 to go to goal! Whoo hoo!!! Angie 280/179/140
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