Here I go again....

on 5/2/05 10:24 pm - NJ
Well I had another bad few days of stress eating/binging. It scares the he77 out of me that these old behaviors come back so easily. I hurt my back and spent Saturday in bed and I snacked all day on almonds and peanut butter crackers....what's up with that??? It was like a hole I couldn't fill - definitely emotional eating. I need some help here people - I've gained 3 lbs. as of this morning. I could rationalize and say it's from the salty almonds and pretzels, but I'm not going to do that. I've gained it because I've chosen to stuff my face. My plan is to once again get on track. I've already planned out my day on and I'm trying to prepare myself for Fat Girl who I know will be telling me: 'it's ok to eat that cookie (PopTart, pretzel, etc.) - we'll start fresh tomorrow'. I know once I get on track I'll be ok - it's just those first couple of days. My plan is to keep under 700 calories, under 30 carbs, and over 70 g. of protein every day for at least a week. Hopefully that will put me back in the mode. Thanks for letting me vent ~ I'm hoping what they say is true: that confession is good for the soul. Usually when I mess up I stay away and don't admit it. Well, here I am, warts and all. I'm going to do a lot of positive self-talk today, and tell myself that I can do it, that I'm worth it and in the end it will make me happier and healthier. Thanks for listening my July pals ~ and feel free to give me a boot in the A$$.... Hugs, Nancy -106
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/05 10:53 pm - Somewhere Else
Well I'm not about to give you a boot to the azz for being human! So you made some bad judgement calls with a couple fluffy pounds decided to take up residence with you big deal Nancy! You're a determined there is no duobt in my mind that not only will you lose those pesky'll kick a few of their buds to the curb too! You know me...I always quote my man's dr....*it's ok to cheat, it's NOT ok to quit*...and it's true. We are human and will make We know what's best for us, and with what we've gone through to change our lives, we're not about to allow ourselves to just go back to the way we were. Not without a fight anyways! Stay positive, I have faith in you! Just keep reminding yourself why you did this and that will get you back on track... BIG hugs! Linda 268/145.5 BELOW GOAL! and.....ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wedding date set: August 5th, 2006!)
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/05 11:10 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Getting back on track is definitely hard to do! I'm doing a couple of things that I hope will keep me on track this time. For me, having a set routine works best, so I've revamped my old plan to make it even harder to "sneak" into bad habits. I've planned out a dinner menu for the entire month of May, INCLUDING Memorial Day Weekend, when we will be camping for 3 nights. The meals are generally "normal" foods, like chicken and dumplings and taco casserole, but I will make healthy substitutions in the recipes when I can. The week when my husband is working the evening shift, I won't be cooking dinner but relying on Lean Cuisine (good stuff!) and Southbeach Diet meals. I've committed myself to getting 45 minutes of cardio EVERY DAY, in addition to my two strength training routines each week. I feel guilty if I don't exercise when I've made plans to, so I'd rather just go and get it over with. And finally, I am ridding the house of all foods that are unhealthy triggers for me (and the rest of the family). My daughter will no longer have cookies and high calorie fruit drinks (Koolaide now makes a 10 calorie juice drink for kids!), and my husband is not allowed to bring chips and sugary cereals into the house. I think that this, with the warmer weather settling in, will help keep me focused on making positive changes, rather than falling back into my pre-op habits. I SOOOOO want to make it to the century club, and although it's only 3lbs away, it's just too far! Pamela -97 on a good day, -92 yesterday (darned 5lbs)
on 5/3/05 2:58 am - washington, MO
Well i cant give much advice because i to am w/ ya . I did however decide today after i messed up this morning and ate a pancake w/ real syrup that i was changing my ways when i sat down and my fat legs stared at me in the face . I went to wal mart got me a drink water for health 64 oz water jug and decided it goes where i go and before i go to bed it must be gone daily i also am trying to focus on my protein before snacks last night i wanted a grilled cheese so bad but i went for south beach turkey wrap and went to sleep . i am back to eating before bed and still no working out i think you look awesome and lets get suited up and on the weight loss wagon
on 5/3/05 7:39 am - southbridge, MA
Hi Nancy... A boot in the A--? NEVER! I frankly am so scared lately that it is actually comforting knowing that others are struggling. You are doing fine and you will be back on track in no time. I started back at Curves this week. I looked at my chart... I hadnt been since March 18th! My weight loss is slowwwwwwwww and I know its because I can eat just about everything and I dont dump as I should. It makes it very difficult. Good Luck sweetie, hang in there. We are always there for you! Lisa in Mass 360/283/164
on 5/3/05 9:53 am - Oxnard, CA
Okay babe one swift kick in the butt coming up! LOL You know I'm playing. I think the important thing to recognize is that you know you are doing wrong and not making excuses. Thats very positive. I know I had to do that to myself this week and voila the scale is moving downward again. We are not perfect, we are very much human and cant beat ourselves up when we make a mistake. We have to learn from it, move on!! For me I want to be under 200 pounds so badly I can taste it!!! So I'm trying very very hard not to snack. And grab the ole water bottle instead. I have found these absolutely fabulous protein bars at Walmart called Pure Protein. They have 20 grams of protein in it and the Blueberry one taste awesome!!! I went back and bought their whole supply!! those have been a godsend this week. If I get too munchy I've grabbed one and had some. Hang in there babe, we can do it!!! Michelle -139
on 5/3/05 10:59 am - Sparks, NV
I just want to give you hugs. You know what you need to do and your doing it. Thats the most important thing. (((((Nancy)))))) Deejay 257/162/150 -95 12 til goal!
on 5/3/05 1:03 pm - Georgetown, TX
RNY on 07/22/04 with
Hey, Nancy. We've been kinda neck and neck I've noticed through the months. I'm -106 as of today after being the same for 4-5 weeks. You know I tell folks all the time--the surgery was the easiest part of all of this. It's the day to day battle, exercising, taking vitamins, not drinking with meals, and drinking water the rest of the time that is a challenge! It is so easy to fall back into that "bad girl" negative self talk. As I read your post I thought--good for you--you ate almonds and p.b. crackers (no cake, cookies, etc.) I know I always seem to see the positive. It still is emotional eating but now you make better choices so that's a step up! Next time go slip into a warm bath, or have your favorite drink and treat yourself to a rich body lotion rub down, or visit your old pictures, or call someone you haven't talked to in a long time (heck call long distance). I wish I had the magic answer but you have to find what works for you but you are worth it. We're all here full of forgiveness and ready to listen. Hang tight--tomorrow is going to be great!!! Love, Bunny -106
Sue G.
on 5/3/05 5:00 pm - Aurora, NE
No swift kicks needed sounds like you've got a plan and have it all back under control again! You'll do it ! !
Marcy B.
on 5/4/05 1:02 am - West Bloomfield, MI
Hey Nancy: I totally feel your pain. We are " certifiable". The other day, I vented to a friend who has also had the surgery. I have had a hellish couple of stressful weeks being on the receiving end of crap from someone I love dearly. All is well now, but what I started doing then, as a way of "pampering" myself, and placating and stuffing my feelings was to graze on garbage all day long. Sure enough I gained weight. As hard as it is for me to take it off to begin with it scared the crap out of me. Just as you are describing now. Instead of giving me the "permission" to continue to do what I was doing, by justifying my indescretions- she spoke squarely to me, ( and if I do say so myself hurt my little feelings for a minute). She said " I am sorry you are having such a hard time, and feeling so poorly- but about the food....KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF!!!! Man, that killed me...where was her sympathy, where was her understanding? After thinking about it I realized she was right. We do, need to KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF!!!! ( Easier said than done sometimes, but you have done an amazing job so far... so I know you can do it. ) Take care- hang in there...and feel better fast! Marcy
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