Julie 22
on 4/18/05 4:54 am - NC
I am mostly a lurker, but I have a big favor to ask of everyone. My mother has always been the one person that I have been able to count on for my entire life. No one else has been there for me like she has. She has especially been there through out my weightloss journey. So this special prayer request is for her. Last week she started having problems with 1 of her eyes. She went to the doctor today & they told her that she has very serious bacterial infection. She has worn glasses since she was 3 & had a lot of eye problems growing up, but has been lucky up until now. My stepdad just went back to work after being laid off several months ago, so they don't have insurance. The medicine she will have to put in her eyes is $90 a bottle & they said she would probably need 3-4 bottles. In the end, she could loose the sight in that eye. She is very upset & having a hard time today since finding all of this out. Her sight is the one thing that she has asked God to save. For those that don't know, she has fibromyalgia, rhuematoid arthritis, cronic fatigue syndrome, 2 prolapsed heart valves & several more things wrong, including a brain tumor on her optic nerve. She lives with all of this everyday & the only thing that she is praying for is to keep her sight. Please pray, light a candle, send well wishes,whatever it is you do,for my mother. Prayer does work & right now she needs all that she can get. Please not only pray that she keeps her sight, but that she stays strong during all of this. Thank you, Julie
(deactivated member)
on 4/18/05 5:20 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Sending prayers your way!
Julie 22
on 4/18/05 5:33 am - NC
Thanks so much!
on 4/18/05 6:17 am - NJ
Sending prayers and positive healing thoughts for your mom. Please keep us posted on how she's doing.... Hugs, Nancy -108
Julie 22
on 4/18/05 6:40 am - NC
Thanks Nancy. She will have to put 1 drop in her eye every hour that she is awake. I will go to the dr. every day for the next few days.
on 4/18/05 9:37 am - Bristol, TN
Julie Im thinking of you anr prayingfor you and your mother....Please keep us informed Rebecca
Julie 22
on 4/18/05 9:44 pm - NC
Thanks Rebecca.
on 4/18/05 10:07 am - Kokomo, IN
I'm not much of a pray-er, but I do believe in the power of positive thinking. I will be thinking about your mom tonight while I take my evening walk. I will be thinking about her strength, and how lucky she is to have support from those who love her. I will hope for her health and her sight. Best wishes. Diana
Julie 22
on 4/18/05 9:46 pm - NC
Thanks so much for your reply Diana. I also believe in the power of positive thinking & thank you for thinking of my mom.
on 4/18/05 12:52 pm - Hesperia, CA
Hugs and Prayers to you and your family!!!
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