(deactivated member)
on 4/5/05 10:45 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
What an absolutely horrid day I had in terms of WLS. Subbing went fine, but the food and exercise end of things was atrocious. I walked my treadmill for five minutes before school. I started to sweat so bad that I was afraid I'd get to school all smelly (I showered and got ready BEFORE walking because I didn't want to run out of time). After school, I had a mini-binge. A couple of bites of this, a couple of bites of that. For dinner, we had pizza, and I didn't do too bad...one breadstick, one chicken strip, and the cheese off of one slice of pizza. But then, just before bed, I ate another two slices of pizza, crust and all. This has been a recurring theme lately. For some reason, I am having such a tough time getting back on track. Sometimes I do all right, but other times I really blow it. I guess that as long as I am aware of what I'm doing, there's still hope. As long as the scale doesn't start heading in the wrong direction (though I could bet a pound or two of my weight gain might not be water!), I'll be okay. Maybe today will be better. As soon as I get my daughter on the bus, I'm heading to the gym. And although my husband wants to go out to lunch, I have made up my mind to choose something healthy and nix the fries that they always give. I think they have broccoli as an alternative, so maybe I'll have that. And as for dinner...well, I have no idea what I'm cooking. Maybe I'll just let everyone fend for themselves and have myself a protein shake. MAYBE. Pamela was -92, not really sure what part of my gains is water vs. fat, so I'm sticking with my lowest point
on 4/6/05 1:08 am - Kokomo, IN
Pam Come join our buster group---misery loves company! Several posts ago--maybe a few weeks even--you asked us to give you a kick in the butt if you started slipping. I am by no means an angel (but I've been doing good for the past 2 1/2 days--yea, me!), but you did ask. Pizza.....not a good idea. Especially right before bed, too. Bad girl. (I've been bad, too. I've had pizza on more than one occasion, and I ate the crust, too.) Glad that you are choosing veggies over fries. Even if it's not on the menu, amny restaurants will "substitute" if you ask. Good choice. Anyhow, check out the plateau buster diet--it's very atkins like, but limited amounts of food. It ain't easy. There's at least 4 or 5 of us doing it right now, and I think we all started on Monday. It might be what you need to kick start yourself, or get back on track. **Please don't be offended. I love reading your posts, and your posts have motivated me to try to better for myself. I'm trying to return the favor. Imagine a hug from a friend here saying "Pam, you can do it." You know you can do this. Diana
on 4/6/05 5:31 am - Walkerton, IN
Pam I am going to chime in here to. I am normally a lurker and have read your posts)and everyones) since my surgery. Hopefully you and others wont hate me for speaking up. I frequent another site that exercises tough love and I think we need it here for you. There is no more its ok tomorrow is a new day here. I have read posts from you over and over again about how bad you day and choices were. From what I see you are eating foods you shouldn't and amounts you shouldn't. I know all programs differ. I know with mine we are given "the yellow sheets" our bible and the motto is "if it aint on the yellow sheet you cant eat it" also at 8 months out our max food in 6 oz 3x/day(2 ox proteinn) that equals 3/4 cup TOTAL per meal. You have came a long way and you started it the right way. I know you don't want to ruin this chance you and all of us have been given. So no tomorrow or the next day NOW, get out whatever you were given preop that tells you what you can have and how much, read it over and over and DO IT! Dawn -145
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/05 10:18 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
You are absolutely right! There is no tomorrow, only today. And I MUST get back on the right path. Up until two weeks ago, I might have had a bad day once in a while, but lately, I've been a very unhealthy rut. I need to start fighting my bad habits and actually WIN them. My dietician wasn't very concerned with my ability to eat a cup of food at a time when I talked to her three weeks ago. I can't consistently eat that much, but there are times when I feel like I can even take in more. As far as the amounts I eat...I KNOW what the problem is. I can't help drinking when I eat. It's not usually a lot of liquid, but I'm sure it does it's damage. I REALLY need to work on that! I know that I need to make healthier choices all the time. Sometimes it's hard...those old food issues take hold (my issues being that I was deprived of junk as a kid and always want it now). Luckily, I have been able to stick to an exercise routine. I walk at least four days a week, lift weights two of those days, and ride the stationary bike the other two days. I know I need to work on getting five or six days of exercise, but it's so BORING... Hmmm...writing this all down always makes me feel like I am back in control. I guess it's time to move forward! Pamela -92
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