started plateau buster today

on 4/4/05 1:01 am - Kokomo, IN
Hi everyone I started the "plateau buster" diet today, and I will do this for ten days (at least). I have not lost any weight at all in over 6 weeks. I have only lost 10 pounds since thanksgiving ( I lost 5 pounds in January even though my routine hadn't changed--it was weird, but I was very pleased!). Hubby is supportive, and he is doing the buster diet with me (he had RNY 3 years ago and is at goal. He's up about 5 pounds from where he wants to be....but 5 pounds isn't a huge deal--easy for me to say since I'm not at goal, I guess). The buster diet doesn't look easy, but it's not impossible. I can do this. Thank you all in advance for your encouragement and support. Before my surgery, like all of you, I struggled with weight loss (and gain). I was able to stick to diets and exercise plans, but my metabolism was broken and I couldn't lose weight...not even one pound. I can't even put into words the frustration of having my body fail me ( I didn't fail the diet, my body did). I have made no serious attempts to lose weight since my surgery, but I have lost 70 pounds litterally effortlessly especially when compared to my pre surgery diets. Now, I am making my first attempt at an actual "diet" since my WLS and I'm terrified of failing. Well, I'm terrified of my body failing again. Thank God I'm on Zoloft, or I'd be in the nut house over this issue alone. I'm keeping a diary of what I'm eating to bring to my surgeon, especially if I don't lose anything on the buster diet, which with my history is pretty much what I expect. I hate to fail (I'm a control freak over-achiever--in a good way, though). I'm competitive, and I hate to lose. Especially when I've tried my best. When my best doesn't achieve positive results, it makes me feel terrible. I'm worried about the amount of food that I have been able to eat post surgery. I hope that I am "normal", but I really don't think that I am. Reading other's posts about what they eat, I keep thinking "man, I eat way more than that". My stomach doesn't tell my brain to stop eating. I don't seem to get that "full" feeling. I mean, I felt "full" at Christmas and Thanksgiving, but I ate like it was a holiday. I have discussed this with my doc, and she isn't too concerned. I will be bringing it up again at my next follow-up in 2 weeks from now. I easily and frequently eat at least twice as much as my hubby who is 3 years post surgery now. It just makes me think that something isn't right. From day 1 after surgery I have stopped eating out of fear, not fullness. Don't get me wrong--I'm thrilled to be a size 16 again. Losing 70 pounds has been fantastic. If I didn't lose another pound (other than what I'm going to have cut off of me in reconstructive plastic surgery) I would be satisfied (not thrilled, but OK with it). I'd like to be a size 12 someday (my goal). I'm scared that I will gain weight because of how much I am able to eat. It just seems to me that I should be able to hold my surgery accountable for some feelings of restriction. I plan on discussing this with my surgeon again, as well as discussing the possibility of a revision in my future. I don't think that my weight loss is a failure--I'm just concerned about regainng in the future....but aren't we all to some degree? Thanks for reading, and letting me get this off of my chest. It's going to be a tough ten days for me, with lots of fear of failure. I can follow the diet, I have no fear of that. But will the diet provide me with successful results? That's what remains to be seen. Thanks friends. I'm glad I have you all. No one understands this stuff like you guys do. Diana
on 4/4/05 2:11 am - Bristol, TN
Diana I swear I could have written your post myself, Im starting to really feel like a failure, because I do not have control over what I eat I keep saying Im going to get back on track then I just mess up drives me crazy , yes I have lost 100 lbs but I still need to lose 45-50 more, and lately the past 4 weeks I havent lost 1 little pound and I have been snacking and eating things I shouldnt (CARBS!!!!!) I am in a 16/18 and still over 200lbs (218 to be exact) and I really want to be well under 200 and Im getting really scared that I cant do it... I also started the platuea buster diet today so far have had 16 oz water and 2 peices of ham ad swiss rolled up.. good luck to us and Ill be thinking about you Rebecca 318/218/175
on 4/4/05 5:04 am - Kokomo, IN
Glad I'm not alone---we'll commiserate together! I weigh ~210-212, my lowest since RNY has been 210 (since 1/24, I've hovered here). I can't seem to stop thinking about the snacks in my desk drawer. I haven't eaten any of them, and I don't think I'm really hungry. I just want to mindlessly eat (and that's BAD!). Food is not entertainment. It's fuel. I don't need any fuel right now, I'm fine. But I'm thinking about eating (don't worry, I'm sticking to it). You know, if the food weren't in the drawer, I'd be thinking about the Wendy's across the street. Or the grocery store next to it. My brain is stuck on "eat". I've had 1 ounce of turkey, and 2 ounces of cheese for breakfast, same for lunch but I added a V8 tomato juice drink. I'll be eating a SF pudding later today. I've drank ~32 ounces of crystal light, and plan on drinking some diet soda--that keeps me occupied for a while, as I have to drink it slow or I get belchy. You know, I think I could do just about anything for 10 days (diet wise). I'm such a carb eater, too. I don't know if it's the carbs themselves, or if I like the crunchy part of it (I eat crackers a lot, and popcorn). I bought some SF popscicles to "occupy" me, but I don't have any here at work. I do have a mini-fridge with a freezer, so I'll bring some tomorrow. I think the first few days will be the hardest, then it won't be so bad. We can do this. Good luck to you! You can bet I'll be posting about this over the next several days off and on. Chime in when you can, and let me know how you're doing. Diana
on 4/4/05 5:12 am - Bristol, TN
I will be letting you know and probably whining to anyone who will listen, I want this weight off so bad, but the way I want to eat must be equally as bad becasue for some reason it usually wins out.....but not this time, today has been kinda hard I keep thinking about those tostados and salsa in the pantry..... Im gonna get out of this house in a little bit and I have to work all day that'll keep me busy.. Rebecca
Faith B.
on 4/4/05 10:49 am - Sikeston, MO
You guys have to fill me in on this Plateau buster I also had surgery in 07/04 but this is my first time in this part of the sight. I have also hit my first plateau, I have only lost about 2 lbs in the last 6 weeks. Tell me about this diet!!!! Faith
on 4/4/05 11:52 pm - Kokomo, IN
I can't take any credit for this diet. I don't even know it's origin here, but it was from one of the members on OH--I know I saw it on the July site a while ago, too. Here it is: #1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau #2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day #3 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day #4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day beef pork chicken turkey lamb fish eggs low fat cheese cottage cheese plain yogurt or artificially sweetened (?) peanut butter beans/legumes You may also have: sugar free popsicles tea or coffee sugar free soda sugar free jello broths/bullion (sp?) crystal light drinks #5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!! #6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily. Hope this helps. Diana
on 4/4/05 4:50 am - TX
Wow Diana, you really seem to be concerned--it is good that you're going to discuss these things with your doctor. Please keep us posted on your progress on the buster diet. Best wishes for a successful 10 days! Your WLS Bro, Jeff
on 4/4/05 5:07 am - Kokomo, IN
You know, I've warned my friends that I'll be dieting, and crankier than usual. They all said they probably won't notice! Gosh, I have such great friends. Thanks for your support. I'll be posting my progress as it goes along. I've been really inspired by a lot of great people here (including you--what great job you've done!!). So far on day 1 I'm 100% perfect on the diet--1/2 day down, 9 1/2 to go! Diana
on 4/4/05 6:54 am - Hemet, CA
Diana... I will be joining you with this plateau buster starting tomorrow... had to go shopping to get more stuff... When I get busy it is sooo easy to just "snack" on what is in the house instead of going and getting things I should eat. Good luck to you and let us know how your doing... What kind of exercise are you doing? Loni Stuck at 163 lbs gone
on 4/4/05 11:53 pm - Kokomo, IN
For exercise I play on four volleyball leagues (competitive). Also, softball season is starting, too, so I'll be having softball practice once in a while, then games once a week after volleyball slows down. I also play women's professional football, and that starts next month, and it will be grueling at the beginning. Now that the weather is nice, I will be going for a walk tonight with hubby around the neighborhood after softball practice. This is the same exercise routine I had before WLS (no joke). I'm a big sports nut, and as long as there is a ball for me to chase, I can play for hours. But, when it comes to the tredmill....I just can not do it. I'm going to try to start a weight lifting program, but I'm not very motivated. Plus with all of my sports, I don't have much time in my week to add stuff. I am adding the walking, though. I don't mind walking when it's nice outside. I'm a busy girl, but I love it. Glad to see another "buster" here. Good luck to you, too!! So far, I'm doing OK. I'm nibbling on a protein bar--something I haven't done for months. It's not too bad, really. Diana
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