Just so frustrated & disappointed

on 3/18/05 1:50 am - Hastings, MN
Yesterday was my weigh and measure day at Curves. It's been exactly ONE MONTH since my last weigh/measure day....in ONE MONTH, I've lost 4 1/2lbs!!! I can't believe that's ALL I've lost. I've been trying soooo hard, and really felt w/this Easter challenge that I could lose a measely 10lbs in 4-5wks. I've increased my fluids (though I admit that I'm still not drinking the amts I should, but I'm doing better) getting my protein in and exercising every day. I don't do the same intensity every day, and vary how much I'm doing, so that I don't overload my body. (while I want to gain the muscle, I still want to see I'm losing #'s) I was happy to see that I went from 31.8% body fat to 29.7%, but still..... I just don't know what to do. I know that the last 15-20lbs are the hardest to lose, but come on.... 4 1/2lbs in 4wks????? What's up w/that? That's barely a lb a week! I had figured that I could AT LEAST make it to 140lbs by the 23rd, but there is no way I can lose 4lbs in the next 5 days. I'm just so disappointed and frustrated w/myself. I don't meant to complain and whine here to everyone. I'm eternally greatful that I've been able to lose what I have, and really, if I didn't lose another lb I'd still be thrilled. It's just that I want to know that I was able to reach my goal, if even for just one day. I've done so well so far, I just want to know I can go the distance. Ok, so sorry for my whining.....I just needed to get it off my chest. Traci 248/144/130
on 3/18/05 2:28 am - lisbon, OH
Hi Traci, I know what you are going through...Sometimes i get so discouraged i wonder why the the world i had this surgery....especially when i jump on the scale and see how little my body is actually losing....but i try to remember that what is gone is gone forever and i will take it as it comes. Never in my lifetime have i lost so much weight and been able to keep it off...right now i need to lose another 2 lbs to meet the Easter challenge....Will i make it? No way...my body does it's own thing at it's own pace.....But i just get comfort in knowing that i am losing and i have won the best prize there is....My life.......Sometimes i have to change my diet around to lose weight at a faster pace.....More protein..less carbs..more drinks....it is a never ending battle but one i am determined to win.....Hang in there......It will get better...Patty
Duval Diva
on 3/18/05 2:32 am - JACKSONVILLE, FL
i know how you feel but i feel just as depress i have been at the same weight sometimes 3 pounds more since feb 2nd i have done protien water treadmill, run, jog, trampolin, jump rope you name it and NOTHING! i feel like i guess this is the end of the line for me i wanted so much to be at 155 by july by this rate it want happen i cry every nite i stay depress because i know will have our little stall moments but dang almost 7 weeks but i guess we have to keep doing what we are doing and just hang in there 280/187/goal-145
Traci K.
on 3/18/05 4:45 am - Sullivan, MO
I'm right there with you on the slowed down weight loss. I'm averaging about 5 lbs per month. But I look at it this way: at least I'm losing 5 lbs and not gaining 5 lbs! Also, at this rate, I'll reach my goal weight by my 1 year anniversary. I can live with that. You're doing great Traci, you've already lost over 100 lbs!!! That's amazing!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 3/18/05 4:52 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Traci, I know how you are feeling. The scale has too much power over us, and it's so hard for us to get beyond the numbers on the scale. I've been battling an "almost plateau" since January, having lost only 9lbs since January 6. I exercise faithfully, log my foods almost daily, and I STILL see no improvement. I have noticed that everyone around me keeps thinking I'm looking better every day, so I'm guessing my body is adjusting. I don't know. But I'm frustrated and worried that I'll never get below 200. But as long as I keep trying, I shouldn't feel guilty about not losing anything. After all, if nothing else, I'm not GAINING weight. Ok...it's easy for me to say this NOW...but in two hours, who knows how I will feel about it. Just call me Mrs. Wishy-Washy. You DID drop 2% in body fat, and that's awesome! Your weight lifting is probably adding muscle while you're losing fat. With muscle being heavier, you're not seeing the scale move. You are so close to goal now that it WILL be harder to lose weight. You're at a point now where exercise will be the key to your weight loss. It might be time to step it up a notch! Hang in there...you're doing fantastic! Pamela -87 and stuck
on 3/18/05 6:47 am - Maricopa, AZ
Traci- totally know how you feel girl! I've actually had bouts of depression and crying over how the scale is not moving. Sometimes it even moves UP, and I have to bust my rear to get back down to where I was. I too feel like I'm doing all the right things and yet I still can't understand why I'm not losing?!?! It's mind boggling, and so incredibly discouraging. One day I might have an excellent day with my calories (around 800), carbs (less than 30), and protein/water intake and I'll be so excited to get on the scale the next morning, expecting a loss... and BAM! I'm UP a freakin' pound! I don't understand it. Also, the MINUTE I eat something "bad" I gain because of it. I never realized it would be a tooth n' nail kind of fight to just keep the weight off, much less to lose these last 25 lbs. I never realized that my body would be so unforgiving of every *tiny* little thing I put in my mouth. I knew it would be hard work, but now it seems that I have to STARVE myself just to stay the same weight! And I'm hungry all the damn time too! I'm wondering if my metabolism is just THAT jacked up. This scares the heck out of me because I feel like I can't be done losing yet! I'm still fat! :/ Angela 229/154/130
on 3/18/05 7:49 am - Georgetown, TX
RNY on 07/22/04 with
I am so glad my doctor took the time to counsel with me on Tues. I had gone in for my next check up and he told me he thought 20 lbs. should do it. He listened to me as I explained how difficult it was for me to be honest with myself. I am thinner but is it enough. I said, " I wish some guy off the street would tell me if I look ok or does he see a woman that needs to lose 30 more lbs.?" My doctor said, " You look great" I suggest 20 more lbs. so you are in the 26-27% bmi ( I was 47 and now 30). He warned me not to get so tied up with numbers. Go for healthy and you look good--be realistic. Then he told me it might take 6 MONTHS to lose that 20 lbs. but just keep exercising,go back to the basic rules (no drinking with the meal, protein, etc.) I was so glad he took the time to talk to me. He said at this point if I lose 1 lb. a week that would be good. The weight loss at this point is not going to be the same. He just wanted me to have a weight in mind to aim for. If I lose 10 more pounds and we agree that's enough then so be it. He told me some of his patients go for the "chart weight" and then don't like how they look when they get there. So I'm going to take it slow, watch myself, and together he & I will decide when enough is enough. Not sure that helps but it helped me because I was getting discouraged too. Now I'm back on the rules and about to go for a walk! Be good to yourself. You are doing great things for yourself. Congratulations! Love, Bunny'
on 3/18/05 9:02 am - Hastings, MN
Thank you SOOOOO MUCH, ladies!!! You guys are great and so supportive! I know we're all in the same boat, and I feel bad about having this pity party, but you all have really helped put things in perspective. I guess part of this goes to the fact that I'm not a patient person. I've seen such a relatively quick weightloss, that I guess I'm just expecting it to keep up at that same rate. I know it's not realistic though. I'm definately going to keep my exercise up and get in as much water as I can. I have been snacking on mini-wheats a lot lately, so I bet that has something to do w/it. Or at least it's highly possible. No more snacking (unless it's fruits or veggies) even if I *think* it's healthy, and H2O, H2O, H2O. Thanks again to all of you for your support and understanding. Traci
Marcy B.
on 3/19/05 12:00 am - West Bloomfield, MI
Traci: I saw my doctor yesterday, and he made an analogy that although humorous made alot of sense. Some of us are Kleidsdales, and some of us are throughbreds... Some are meant to weigh more than others and that we can't be slaves to the scale. Yesterday I weighed in and I was 4 lbs more than what my scale said ( constipation I think) I am better today, and now I am down 5lbs. Our weight fluctuates hourly...daily... so we can't make ourselves crazy about it. Keep up the good work, and don't stress.. You are doing beautifully. Marcy -87
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