ok for the NON slow losers!

on 3/8/05 6:23 am - Anaheim, CA
Since a majority of you that posted on the previous post about percentages, can you please post for us really slow losers some of the positive changes and things you are doing to help speed your weight loss?!! maybe we could get some tips as to what we are doing or could do differently to help us! Thanks a bunch!! Love, Leah F.
(deactivated member)
on 3/8/05 6:56 am - Somewhere Else
Hiyas Leah... Honestly, I don't think I'm doing anything special. I'm not exercising at all, I don't weigh my foods, I don't count calories, carbs or protein...I do have the occassional snack food (jellybeans OMG!!! and chips)... One thing I have done is remained 100% positive since before my surgery...I WILL succeed...and I refuse to prohibit myself from eating real foods...the same foods that everyone else eats...this surgery was a tool to help us lose weight and teach us moderation...and nothing is harmful if taken in moderation...(well ok, poison would be) I do not weigh myself more often than once a week, and if the scale doesn't budge (it did that one week) then so what? I don't beat myself up about it or get upset...I just move on as usual. I don't even think I get my 64 oz of water in more than maybe 4 days a week... I eat 3 meals a day (except today...I actually forgot breakfast)...and grab the occassional snack. I have no clue how much of what is getting into me, LOL...I do take my vitamins though..and have at least 1 scoop of my protein powder a day (26g) (not always on weekends though) There's no magic answer to why some lose faster than others...we all started at a different place, are different ages, have different genetics...we cannot compare with each other..it doesn't work. As long as the weight is coming off, you're succeeding!!! Linda 268/160.5
us2bfat C.
on 3/8/05 8:13 pm - selden, NY
Thats funny linda i feel the same way i do not comprimise my family because i had surgery i dont weigh my food or deny myself anything... i actually went to a diet store and bought a bunch of sugar free stuff that i would probably not eat if it wasnt in the house and now im battleing a lb here and there so i will not be going there anymore i bought things like cinnamon pork rinds and sugar free biscotti and the truth of the matter is that i wouldnt eat that stuff if it wasnt here... i do however drink a protien shake once a day to ensure i at least get that i drink my propel all day long and since i had my hernia surgery i have not excersised so go figure? i think i have lost 98% of what i had to lose so im a pretty happy camper this surgery is in failable if you have a POSITVE ATTITUDE. and dont give in too much to the temptations........ i wouldnt worry about being a slow loser as long as you follow what they tell you and remain postive and dont get discouraged.. in my eyes if you lost anything thus far you are a loser and the rest will come off its gotta be better then what we were doing before surgery Stacy 232/142/140
(deactivated member)
on 3/8/05 8:44 pm - Somewhere Else
Today was my weigh in day...and it's amazing to me that being so close to goal, I managed to lose 4.5 pounds this past week! I'm now at 156! And this is because I'm careful but not obsessive about my diet. So now I've lost 95%. Personally I think we're all doing great. What isn't good to see is when people get discouraged and upset about what the scale has to say. When you let those negative feelings enter into things, then you start to do badly. I like some of the sugarfree snacks, but I prefer to have the real thing at times too, so I do...not often mind you. But when my kids are here OMG...LOL...they were here last week for spring break...we had jellybeans galore and chips and cookies...I ate an M&M cookie from Price Club!!! My GOD it was amazing hahahaha. I still won't eat pasta though..and very very rare will I have bread...usually if I do it's half a slice of toast or so....I will have a muffin though every once in a blue moon. To me the success of this journey will always be ATTITUDE... I applaud everyone here who has been going through this journey, it's not an easy one...and I pray no one gives up. We are ALL going to succeed!! Linda 268/156
on 3/8/05 10:19 pm - NJ
Hi Leah, I don't know if I'm considered a non-slow loser, but I feel happy with the weight that I've lost. I agree with Stacy and Linda - attitude is a big part of it. I know I have been frustrated when I've gotten stuck, but deep down I know that #1 -it will come off eventually and #2 - it's usually because I'm not doing what I have found works for me. I try and keep my calories under 900, my carbs under 30 and my protein above 70. That's about it in a nutshell. I have come to know a lot of my trigger foods, and I just don't have them around. I don't eat 'real' sugar. If I want a chocolate treat, I can eat a Hershey's 1 carb chocolate bar and that quite satisfies me. I don't usually eat 'white' foods; breads, pasta, rice, etc. When I load up on carbs, I find I crave carbs. I track everything I eat on fitday.com because for me, it helps to have an idea of where I'm at. These are just things that seem to work for me. I have found that 'recovering from' my obesity is not just a physical thing, but more of a learning process. Hugs, Nancy -102
on 3/9/05 6:15 am - Nashville, TN
I kind of consider myself to be a non-slow loser, but as of late the rapid weight loss has tapered off. This is fine with me because I now eat so much healthier than I used to. I agree about attitude and following the rules. I try hard to follow the rules, but I don't deny myself as long as there is moderation and I think about what I am eating, seriously. Good luck. Margaret 238/139/125
on 3/9/05 7:41 am - washington, MO
well i am happy w/ my sucuess so far . the only thing i can really say is i to dont deny myself certain things if i want a cookie on ocassion i have it but once in a blue moon . i am no longer EATING THE WHOLE BOX . i dont do bread once in a blue moon . i have had very little . i only drink propel water . nothing more until recently i started 1 c coffee in morning . i havent excersised at all until this weekend i started doin 20 min a day on tredmill . i dont mesure food or calories i was told not to at this point my main thing i focus on is my protein ... and propel intake .. i have been at a stand still for 2 months now sso i am starting to excerise .
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