Easter Sunday Challenge Update!
OK.....so I was hoping to lose 10 by Easter. I have lost NOTHING! Ugh. Again, happy with my success so far, so I'm not down about this.
I think for the next challenge, I'm not going to express a desire for pounds lost--I really don't seem to have control over that --to a certain extent. What I DO have control over is eating and exercising. So, for the remainder of this challenge I will strive to add a 1 mile walk to may exercise routine 3 times a week. Hopefully that will aid in my desire to shed some more weight, but I won't really look at the number as the goal, but instead I'm going to look at the process.
So, three 1 mile walks this week. I can do it, no problem.
Good luck to all, and keep up the great work everyone!!
my goal I think was 10lbs and to be at 170. At the beginning of the challenge I did great, down 7lbs right off the bat and now, I've been stuck at 173 for 2 weeks and even teetered back to 174 a couple times. So I'm stuck at 173 with 3 more lbs til easter goal, I hope I make it, I think cuz AF is here right now, it might help when she goes. I know I'm losing inches cuz 2 weeks ago I couldn't get my little size 12 capris zipped and yesterday I did with no problem and I was the same weight 2 weeks ago as I was yesterday. Sooooo, still happy.
Easter Goal...130
9.2 lbs to go. I am worried I won't make it because I got down to 139 about two weeks ago and then bounced back to 142!!! If I make the Easter goal, it will also encompass my entry into the century club. I so want to be a member!!!
Well here I am again. still haveing a hard time, but hanging in there.
I'm having trouble with snacking , it is so hard, and I feel hungry.
Before surgery weight...... 262
Easter Challenge Start ,... 199
Today weight .................194
5 more to go for 10 lbs off , I think -10 was was Easter goal . Myrna
I was 288- I am now( on a good day) 281- which gives me
a 7lb weight loss- and I believe I committed to 10lbs for the
challenge. With my body I can never tell what I will be able
to do- sometimes I can get the 10lbs per month- sometimes
not. Hopefully tho by Easter I should have the 3lbs off, dontcha