Easter Day Challenge Update
Too much snacking on garbage food. Celebrated with a Surprise 50th
Birthday Party my husband threw for me last night.( it was an incredible celebration and a wonderful surprise for my B'day which isn't until 3/1/. But now, I ..been dodging land mines of food all day. I just weighed myself now...and I am back up3lbs to 287. I won't worry about it. I'll probably take it off tomorrow. Old habits die hard. I went from a bite of this to a bite of that...to a handful of these, and a mouthful of that. Last night I tasted some ice cream cake, and then decided to throw it out.
But the big chocolate inside/white icing cake stayed on my kitchen counter and even though I don't really like chocolate batter...I ate some
anyway. Then there were those darn mixed nut/MM mix which diquises
itself as a trail mix. And last but not least, the FAT FREE CHEX Mix.
Such garbage....and its all making me feel very lethargic, and upsetting my stomach... I didn't eat any of it during the party butI am being challenged by it afterwards. We gave away most of the goodies, but there are still enough in the house to be dangerous. I would throw them out butmy daughter asked that we observe the " 24hr" rule and allow her
to munch on them til tonight, then out in the garbage they go. So I will have to exercise some restraint. Fair is fair, just because I am a lunatic
she shouldn't have to suffer. But I am sure I will be fine and not eat them anymore because I have my myself sufficiently sick..... So now I will pledge not to snack- or eat anything until my next scheduled meal, and then that one will be proteinonly. So For now its my Propel and me... I am still determined to lose 10lbs by Easter-even though I have taken the proverbial two steps forward-
three back. Oh well...tomorrowis another day
Good luck everybody
-80 now......was 83....will be 93 by Easter.........
I did ok this week. I hope to loose more because I have been at the same weight for almost a week now. We'll see. I did loose 2 more lbs since last challange weigh in but like I said I have been this same weight for almost a week.
Last week: 194
This week: 192
Easter Goal: 180
12 more to go!!
I am doing ok this week. so maybe I will make it by easter. My goal was to get from 164 to 145-150. I am a slow loser so I don't know if I will get there or not by then. I have been exercising big time. This is the first time I have really stepped it up. Even being sick I have still exercised. Yeah for me.... LOL
Last Week: 164
This Week: 161
Easter Goal 145-150
Good luck everyone! Keep up the great work! Danelle