Need some advise and help

Ilva K.
on 2/16/05 7:38 am - NYC, NY
Hi July Its seven month since my surgery, i need to talk to someone or more like vent. i am relly happy that i had the surgery but, it seems like i am getting hungrier and hungrier by the day, i dont dump, it feel that the more i eat the hungrier iam getting. some days it feel like i never had the surgery, because i can eat everything. i feel that i am working harder not to eat, than before the surgery. is this happening to anyone else? does this eating feeling goes away? i need some motivation to understand what's happening to me. i am craving for food. and thats not good i feel like i need a eating surpessent some days. i love how i look but i am scared that i am failing my surgery. i have a oppointment with my surgen next week and i cant wait, because i need help ASAP. i started at 286 i am down to 204 on a good day. can't get undr 200 for nothing, i have been on a stand still since December.
(deactivated member)
on 2/16/05 12:17 pm - Somewhere Else
Hiyas Ilva, Sorry you're having a rough time. One question...are you eating carbs? Breads, potatoes etc....because the more carbs you eat, the more you crave them and the hungrier you get. That is one possibility to what you're going through. Another thing...sometimes that feeling of hunger is actually should reach for the water first when you get that feeling. You'd be amazed how well that works. They say that most people don't distinguish between actual hunger and give that a even if it isn't true thirst you can still fill up on water and lose the hunger pangs. Keep your chin up and don't get'll be fine I'm sure. Take care... Linda 268/162
Vicki M.
on 2/16/05 12:24 pm - Porterville, CA
Sorry it took so long to respond I just logged on. Anyway, I too feel hungry alot of the time. I try an ignore it but some days it feels impossible. I have a problem of eating in my sleep, which does not help when you are trying to loose weight. My Dr. says that some meds make you hungry and some will incourage you to eat at night. I hardly ever remember eating until the morning when I see dishes or some other tail tell sign. I have as of today lost 89 lbs and I am greatful for that. Seems like I have to fight to loose a lb. I also know in my head that 89 lbs in7 months is ALOT of weight. You should be proud of yourself you have done a very good thing by loosing the weight that you have. Try not to be discouraged by the weight loss of others, we are all different and must all loose differently. Good luck to you Vicki
on 2/16/05 9:36 pm - NJ
Hi Ilva I have had the same feeling as you. I went through a couple of weeks where I was eating more carbs and the scale stopped moving and on a couple of days it went up a pound!! I found that the more carbs I ate, the hungrier I was. I recommited to high protein, low carbs, water and exercise three days ago, and I have lost a pound each day. I'm not craving food like I was, and that's a RELIEF. Is there a support group in your area that you can go to? I'm sure that would help too. I also log everything I eat onto It's free and it really helps me to know where I'm at. Hang in there and come here for support because we're all in the same boat!! Hugs, Nancy -96
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/05 5:31 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Ilva, I have noticed a lot of our July group has been having the same issues. I keep reading about how everyone's weight loss has really slowed down, how everyone is beginning to plateau, and how all those food issues are coming back. You are NOT alone! Hang in there! Pamela 352/268/heading toward 200
on 2/17/05 6:12 am - TX
Hang in there, Ilva! Remember to eat protein first and try not to drink 30 minutes before or after eating. Water helps to alleviate the hunger too. Other than that, just be sure to stay positive, love yourself first, and recommit each day to the reasons you had the surgery in the first place. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress! Jeff -106
on 2/17/05 10:35 am - Michigan City, IN
Hi Ilva, Back away from the carbs, specifically anything white (potato, rice, flour, bread, etc). I found that if I eat those carbs it only stimulates my appetite and I begin craving more of those types of carbs. If I stick to mainly protein and get some carbs in from vegies or if I feel like I can splurge a tad I go for a little (I mean little) fruit. At this point in my "window of opportunity for greatest weight loss" I must avoid anything that is mostly empty calories, which is why we are required to take supplements. My life revolves around proteins right now. After we have reached our goal then we can experiment with increasing our food choices gradually but will have to back off if we find we are gaining weight. It's going to be a difficult dance to find the best ballance during our maintenance but that's a ways off for now. We are supposed to have about 18 months for our window of opportunity for greatest weight loss. We will never again have this opportunity to lose weight this easily so if you're having difficulty examine where you can tweak your program and do whatever you have to do to get back on track. You don't mention any exercise so if you've not been doing that I suggest you begin now to maximize your calorie burning abilities. Best of luck and please try very low carbs for 3 days to give it a proper chance. It usually takes 3 days to lose your carb cravings but it may take 4 - 5 so be patient with yourself and don't blow it. Hugs, Cathy 302/212/145
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