calling all turtles....

Marcy B.
on 2/7/05 12:43 am - West Bloomfield, MI
So where are all the other slow losers? I love everyone else's success stories with the over 100lb weight losses and all....but you know how it is. Misery loves company. I have so much more to lose to get to a reasonable goal...and the scale isn't moving these days. I know that my body will do what is going to do- but geez I wi**** would do it faster. I love what has happened so far, but I want more of it...sooner. I worry that if I have hit the peak now that I won't lose all of what I want to. I love reading the success stories of everyone who has lost 150lbs more more and are at goal, and sometimes I think I will never get there. As you can tell I having one of those days... I quit my job on Friday ( but still have 2 weeks). I was right to do so because I was working for a jackass....but the money was good. I wish I could be one of those people who could compromise my integrity and beliefs for an extra dollar, but I guess I am not. The money I made didn't put food on our table, but definitely made our lives easier- and was helping to save for our I guess without that cushion- I'm feeling a little vulnerable. Don'tcha love this pity party I invited you all to without knowing it? Anyway- somedays all seems right with the world...this just doesn t happen to be one of them. Thanks for listening...and if any of my other slow poke friends are out there...please share. Marcy -77 ( gained 2 for no reason......thank you very much)
on 2/7/05 1:07 am - Kokomo, IN
Hey Marcy!! Thanks for the invite to your pity party! I'll just cancel mine, and come to yours! I gained 4 pounds, then lost one (yea...) so I'm "floating" between 65-70 pounds lost. I'd like to lose another 30-50, and also have plastic surgery. I, too, quit my job (immediately after my surgery). My first day back from medical leave I gave my notice. I really liked the people that I worked with. The people that I worked for (my boss more than anything) were not so kind. My boss referred to my WLS surgery as "elective", and she was very, very upset with me taking 3 weeks off for this surgery (and I gave them 4 weeks notice, too). Now, I had worked at this place for 8 years, and never took a week off other than when I first hired in for my Honeymoon and they new about that when they hired me---I took all the time off that I wanted so I had no complaints. It just burned my butt that after all of my dedication to my office, when I focused on myself they got a little nasty. Now I work for a great company. I don't get paid the same, but I am under a lot less stress, and they are very accomodating to my schedule if I need it. Definately a change for the better. Hope you are as happy at your new job as I am at mine. ***Here's a success story for ya--my husband had RNY ~3 years ago. He was a hopeless "fat guy" who had no will power to lose weight successfully and keep it off. He is now literally half the man he used to be. He went from a snug 4x to a medium. People call him skinny now. Along the way (post RNY) he has eaten pretty much whatever he wanted to (within reason). He (at 1 year out) was known to have the occasional goodie. He loves donuts--but now he eats just one instead of 6+. Never in either of our wildest dreams did we ever picture ourselves as "normal sized" people. He's normal sized, and I'm on my way (30 to 50 more to go, plus PS). Have a good one, Marcy! Diana
on 2/7/05 1:27 am - TX
Hi Marcy, Well, let me tell you a little story... I sold my house and had to move in with a coworker because the place I'm buying isn't going to be ready until sometime in March. When I moved in with him (around January 18 or so), I was down 105 pounds. Awesome, right? Hmmmm...well anyway I haven't weighed since I've been there, because my scale was in storage and so on. I haven't been to the gym, because he lives in the middle of nowhere (where as the gym used to be right around the corner). I've eaten out every night. And so on and so on. So anyway the other day I had to go to the storage unit, and decided to weigh. I GAINED 7 POUNDS IN 3 WEEKS!!! I went from 233 to 239.5! I was FURIOUS! I knew I hadn't been to the gym, but that was ridiculous! Well, I brought the scale back with me, and for the past week or so I have been a VERY good boy (with the exception of the gym...arghh), and as of this morning I am back down to 233. What sucks is, if I hadn't gained that weight and still lost the 7 pounds, I would be that much closer to goal. Long story short: Today is my 7 month anniversary. As of my 6 month anniversary, I was down 100 pounds. Today I am down 105 pounds. That is only 5 pounds for the whole month! Or, an average loss of 15 pounds per month. Even though I have done pretty well, I'm starting to think of myself as a slow loser... I was wondering, how much total did you want to lose? Me I want to lose at least 150, though to be at "ideal" I would need to lose 168. Basing it on the 168, I have lost 62% of my excess. Kind of depressing looking at it that way, but I know it is up to me to recommit myself to doing what I need to do. You are not alone in your frustrations. Keep your head up, and good luck with your career change. We're all here to help each other and encourage and support. Wishing you all the best... Jeff -105
Denise W.
on 2/7/05 2:16 am - MD
Marcy, I am feeling you girlfriend. I have lost 71 pounds in 6 1/2 months.....and yes, it does get hard to hear about everyone else losing 100+ But, I feel wonderful, I've gone from a snug 3X to an 18 that fits well. My goal is to lose another 62 pounds. I've had no complications whatsoever....I have just started working out regularly so maybe that will kick it up a notch Good luck to all of us slow losers.
on 2/7/05 3:11 am - Chicago, IL
RNY on 07/01/04 with
Turtle here!!! I am also floating between 65-68 pounds. After telling someone that I have been slow but with no plateus....I have been stuck. I then start thinking..."I bet this is it." I am happy with my loss...but Lord knows I need to lose about 40 more. I hope it happens.
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/05 5:19 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Ah, Marcy, you sing my song so well! But you knew that! All we can do is hang in there. You called for you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Slow but steady wins the race... Ok, if we were racing, anyway. Do your best to make the right choices and to exercise. Everything else will follow suit. Now, if you could repeat that back to me, maybe I'll believe it. Pamela -84
on 2/7/05 5:54 am - Sparks, NV
(raising my hand with the turtle clan).. I'm a turtle too. I got down to 179 a few days ago and today I sit at 180.5 for the past 2-3 days. I broke my toe and haven't been to the gym for a couple weeks, but come on! I barely eat much at all most is protein, I'm extremely frustrated with it at this point and I'm 30lbs from my goal. I am really starting to feel like this is it, I have to believe not, but damn, PLEASE MOVE SCALE!!!!! I'm in 14 jeans now and very happy with that, but I want LOWER. I'm with ya Marcy and the other turtles. I'm still 9lbs from the valentine goal. pffttt!!! so much for that. Hugs to all, Deejay 257/180/150 -77
Traci K.
on 2/7/05 6:22 am - Sullivan, MO
Well, I don't necessarily think I'm a turtle loser - and based on how much you all have lost, I think maybe we're more average! I only started out needing to lose 110 lbs from my original goal weight of 140. I've since upped my goal weight to 147 and that makes me now 25 lbs from goal. I know I'll get there, and I also expect that it will take me to my 1 yr anniversary to do it. I have not been good at all about exercise up to this point. I know I haven't. But I have been very good about getting in good foods and all my protein. Now I need to get my butt into gear and start exercising!! Remember, those folks that have lost 100+ lbs at 6 months are those who had a lot more to lose. Occasionally that theory doesn't always work, but usually that's the case. Traci -78
Sue G.
on 2/7/05 5:56 pm - Aurora, NE
Hi Marcy... I've avoided this board specificly becuz I'm a slow loser and it was depressing to see how everyone was losing so much so fast and I was not!! What was even more depressing was when I went to my surgeon with my daughter and he informed me I was the slowest loser he has ever had. (I cryed a lot after that visit!!!!!!!!!!) I have since gotten more determined than ever to lose. It's still slow (65 lbs down) but its pretty study. I bought an ab lounge and I've been hitting the treadmill more often and longer. The good news is my cardiologist called me "skinny" at my last visit with him and all my lab work was great!.. My cholesteral was down and he was very pleased with my weight loss. I feel good and I know it's the best thing I could have done for my heart!! I just invested in a bike (7 speed) and can't wait until the snow melts so I can give it a try!! ... turtles rule !!! rabbits drool !!
on 2/8/05 2:22 am - Bay Area, CA
Another turtle weighing in I am finally at 201 I can fit into 16's and I tuck in my shirt (I look HOT ) I am down from 277 but I still want to see more weight off. I feel great & I look great...sooooo I work on being happy at my sucess thus far. Can I just get below 200 sooo I can have a party?? Cant wait !!
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