Irene S. Reporting!

Irene S.
on 2/3/05 2:06 am - NJ
Hi everyone! Jeff, I didn't even think you knew who I was since I really don't post as often as many others on the board. I haven't been on here much lately because I've been busy with the usual family and friend things. Plus my husband gave me a new computer for Christmas, and while that would usually mean that I would spend MORE time on the computer, in this case I'm spending WAY less. I love the new machine, but most of the things that I love are on my old computer. Pretty much all I have on this machine is my email and internet so far. Since DH is working a lot of extra hours, it's going to be a while before he can get this machine up to speed. Anyhow, enough of that! I had my 6 month anniversary on the 27th of January and I'm down around 94lbs. I'm thankful every day that I've had this surgery. I said when I was about 240 that if I didn't lose another pound I would still be thrilled with the difference in the way I feel. I know I have a long way to go, and who knows if I'll get to that normal BMI, but I'm thrilled none the less. As I work into the second half of my first year, I would like to work on getting into an exercise ROUTINE. I have a gym membership and don't go. I have Walk Away the Pounds DVDs that I do sporadically, an exercise ball, a Gazelle, and fitness cards from the O magazine for a workout. Just having a hard time getting into the HABIT of exercise. I'm sure that my weight loss would pick up a lot if I would just DO something! Anyone having this difficulty? Another thing that I encountered around the month of December: I was finding that I was very frustrated with the amount of food I could eat, the kinds of things that I could or couldn't eat. I would often sit down to a meal and because I would eat too fast or too big bites or who the heck knows why, that meal would be ended! I would have that "if-I-take-another-bite-I'll-throwup" feeling. Very frustrating. So I ended up with a grazing habit. A fist full of nuts here, or a string cheese there, and it became a constant grazing after about 9pm. I had to analyze that one. I stopped all that grazing and made myself a new rule that I have to have MEALS and if my meal is interrupted prematurely, that I need to wait a while and go back to it. My weight loss has really slowed down now, and according to my doctor, he expects that I will lose around 30 pounds over the next six months. I'm hoping that I can do better than that, but whatever happens, I'll still be thrilled. How is everyone else doing? I'll go read some posts and see! irene
on 2/3/05 3:28 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hi Irene ;) You are doing so well! 94 lbs. is great! I can totally relate to the exercise issue. I can't get into a routine either, and I KNOW my weight loss would be so much more if I did. I've also been a bit of a grazer- and boy does it slow down the weight loss! It doesn't matter if you're grazing on "good" things either- it still adds up. I recently went on vacation to Maui (for my honeymoon) and I came back gaining 3 lbs- solely from grazing! I also couldn't eat much at an actual meal. A few bites into the meal and I'd get that stuck feeling and end up getting sick too. So that's what turned me to grazing. I guess we have to remember to eat slowly and chew the crap out of things. Heh Angela 229/162/135
on 2/3/05 7:03 am - NJ
Hi Irene!! Nice to have you back!! I'm going through a lot of the same things that you are. As far as the gym goes, I decided not to join one because I know it would be a waste of $$ for me! I find the hardest part is getting up and doing it. I have a beautiful gym free of charge at work, so I make sure I use the treadmill for 30 minutes 4 x a week. I hate getting started, but feel SOOOOO good when I'm done!! On the weekends I do the WATP 2 mile video. I do it right after my morning coffee so I get it out of the way. I set that rule for myself, and I'm doing pretty well - I take Fridays off. My weight loss has really slowed down too. Lately it's been about a pound a week - now that's WAY too slow!! I'd love to lose another 30 lbs., but would be happy with another 20. I sometimes get afraid of what will happen if I reach my goal - I have a feeling maintenance will be tougher than losing! I hope to get to meet you in person one of these days seeing as we live so close!! Hugs, Nancy -93
on 2/3/05 11:37 pm - Rio Rancho, NM
Hi Irene! You are doing great! Isn't this surgery the best blessing ever?! I know what you mean about working out. It's hard to get into the habit and just do it everyday. I have been trying to get to the gym at least three times and week and then do some other physical activity at least once a week. I hit a big plateau this last month and was losing about 1 lb a week but have finally started to see the scale moving again this week. I think the exercise is definitely helping, what the heck, it can't hurt right! Congrats on your loss! It's so nice to see how everyone else is doing. Cindy 267/155/131
on 2/7/05 12:47 am - TX
Welcome back, Irene! WOW, you're doing phenomenally well! As for me, well, the last month has been rough as far as loss goes, but I blame myself...not working out, and of course "grazing"...Every day I try to do better, and once I'm in my own home (currently staying with a co-worker until my condo is finished), I know it will be SO much easier to get back on track. Anyways, I'm so glad you checked in! And I'm thrilled to hear how well you're doing! Keep up the good work, and don't be a stranger! Keep smiling, and keep the faith! Jeff -105
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