I think I'm dumping....
I know that sounds very weird coming from a 6 mo post op- but having
never done it ( yes I am one of the lucky ones) I am not sure. Its not
just the lower tummy distress ( which is a whole lot of rumbling around
and uncomfortableness which threatens to turn into full fledged
colon blow soon...) its the other odd way I feel. Kind of flushed, lightheaded,and icky. The thing that puzzles me is that I didn't eat
high fat or high sugar food that should have caused it.
Do most people dump right after they eat something they shouldn't eat
or is it the next day? Today all I ate was string cheese, and 1/3 of
a dry cheese omlet before my stomach started to bother me.
The only thing different that I did is to start taking a perscription
iron supplement. I took the first dosage yesterday in the afternoon
and except for the fact that it was a large pill everything was fine
after I took it. I didn't take it today because as sensitive as my
stomach is, I didn't want to add insult to injury. Has anyone else
had any similar experiences?
I'm OK...not dying a thousand deaths here, but decidedly more
umcomfortable than I have ever been. So...is THIS dumping?
Well, the only time I've dumped was immediately post-op when I forgot to dilute my fruit juice. I had explosive diarrhea and tummy cramps. But I didn't have the sweating and all that like some people get. When I did dump, it was within about 30 minutes of drinking the juice. It's my understanding that dumping occurs fairly quickly after eating/drinking.
I would guess that your problems are either the new iron pills (which can cause upset stomachs) or a virus of some sort. How are you feeling today? Any better?
When I dump, it is usually about 20 minutes after I have eaten the offending item. It lasts for about 20 or 30 minutes, and then it's gone.
Sugar (if I eat only a little bit) will make me feel tired and sluggish. If I eat too much sugar, I feel like I have the flu...flushed yet clammy, lightheaded, and miserable.
Grease causes me to either a) get nauseous for a couple of hours (nothing else bad happens) or b) severe intestinal cramps that I think I'm going to die (only had that one time...was so scared because I didn't know it was a form of dumping. I did NOT have any puking/diarrhea, though).
I'm starting to get the hang of the dumping thing. It takes a high concentration of sugar to make me have Stage 2 dumping, so I can generally eat a cookie if I'm so inclined. ONE cookie.
The best bet? Keep a log of what you have eaten, and if you start to feel funny, you'll be able to pinpoint what types of foods make you feel awful.
I hope this helps!
-81 and BACK on low-carb after a miserable weekend
I'll still feel pretty crummy today, but I am not feeling that bloated
uncomfortable full feeling. I am just taking it slow today- sipping fluids.
I have a sneaking suspicion it was the iron supplement. Usually when I
get sick, from 1 to 24 hrs for me to have reaction- so this doesn't surprise me. But at least I have proof positive that the pouch is
indeed working.