Planning ahead - plastic surgery
You're doing awesome girl! You now weigh about the same as me. I'm waffling around 176 or so. I'm just stuck! I lose down to 174, then bounce back and forth between that and 178. I have no clue what's going on.
I do get some rashes, but like you, just use a cream or something to take care of it. Guess I need to stop that and start heading to the doctor for every little rash. I know my primary doc suggested I get a breast reduction years ago, and I never did. Could be that's contributing to some of my migraines? I'll check with my doc to see about all that. Would be nice if insurance would pick up the tab.
BTW: My appointment on Friday is at 1:15 at Dr. R's; but I don't really need those size 18's. I've been wearing my 16's and while a little snug, they do fit. I'm hoping I get over this weight loss slump and start dropping pounds again. You're welcome to come sit with me in the waiting room, but you sure don't need to, unless you just have the time.
I think about it all of the time. At this point, I can get by without having my breasts done. They look nasty without anything on, but with a good bra, they are fine. But, my tummy really bothers me. I can pull the skin and see how good it would look if I had it fixed. And, my latest complaint is my saggy booty. But, I don't see any PS in my future. Spending that much money on myself when I have kids and a home to worry about paying for just seems selfish. BTW, I am not saying that anyone is being selfi**** is just our financial situation. If I won the lottery, I would be interviewing PS next week.
Our ins. won't cover anything as it is not a "medical necessity" for it to be done. I've always told my DH that I wanted a boob lift when we were done having children. (gravity has ALWAYS been an issue....I want these girls up where they've never been before!) We are trying for #4 later this year, so I wouldn't want anything done until at least 2007 at the earliest. (gives us time to start saving up) I'd like to have the girls lifted, a tummy tuck, my arms and thighs done, however, I can live w/out doing the last 2. We have a monthly support group mtg w/regular speakers. The April speaker is a plastic surgeon who is supposed to go indepth about what's involved and the cost. Apparently he works w/you REALLY HARD to help find a way for ins to cover at least part of it, so will be interesting to hear what he has to say.
(BTW, I'm 5'3)