I'm back....but need support

on my W.
on 1/21/05 10:11 am - Canada
Hello to all, I haven't posted in over a month although I read every post and log on each day. I am so encouraged by everyone else but a post from Pamela this week really hit home. I am very happy to be 6 months out and down 97 pounds. Everyone tells me how amazing I look but somehow I have become unmotivated and I am away from the treadmill...snacking on unhealthy foods, not counting calories, and to no one's surprise I am still at 193 for over two weeks. I can eat a chocolate bar....snack on chips....I was so lucky to have this surgery covered and yet why am I not doing my part and keeping the promises I made to myself to be healthy and work at making changes......In some strage way it is almost too good to be true and I am pushing the limits to see if this surgery really works.....I need to get back on track and start putting me first but that is easier said than done. Maybe a prayer from a few of you would give me the strength to get going again. Thanks for all your support in the past. Karen 290 - 193- 145
on 1/21/05 11:20 am - Garfield, NJ
Karen, I can only speak for myself, But I have eaten chocolate and i still eat potato chips and Christmas time I made cookies and ate about a pound of them myself. But I said hey I am not stopping myself from eating anything. I now taste it andsay ok I had some and that is it I don't dwell on it. Yes the scale showed my eating cookies over Christmas. But now it is over and I am back just eating chips maybe 1 time a week and you know what I don't feel guilty and I am indulging so it is so much easier to stay focused. Try it you never know It might work for you too by the way after Chrismas and only losing 3 pound in 2 weeks the next 10 days i lost 17 so it is ok and i got hurt so I can't walk let alone exercise. Andrea -107.5
Marcy B.
on 1/21/05 12:11 pm - West Bloomfield, MI
Friends: It helps to know that we are not alone in our struggle, and for those of us who don't dump and can tolerate most foods, this is a daily struggle. Us against our impulses. I guess we have to remain ever vigilant because this is going to be a way of life for us. The life altering surgery we had is not just another diet- it was a major huge commitment we made to ourselves to change the way we do business. We owe it to ourselves and to no one else to honor that commitment or to make an effort to do so each and every day. When things are going well, its easy for us to sit back and figure -just this once I can eat this, or its no big deal- but we know thats not really true. When I am writing this I am also speaking of myself, and trying to reason this out for myself. I've had success- so what has been successful for me? I know when I plan my meals, measure out my portions in advance, get the garbage OUT OF MY WAY, ( because I am not to be trusted!! ) thats when I have chance at being the most successful. For some of us, despite our early successes- this will continue to be challenging. So I am always thinking of ways to make it work. I tried something that I think is working for me. (Either that or I am deluding myself.) I still like my " munchie crunchie " stuff but I try to get healthy or less dangerous alternatives. For example I buy single serving sizes of pretzels ( lower fat and easier to get full on) and the Nabisco 100 Calorie cookies. I eat them with a Yogurt Smoothie- or with Yogurt, and then I usually don't finish them or I can't eat more than the one serving so I am not going to graze all day. While some purists may say stay away from carbs altogether I realize for a lifetime that is totally unrealistic, and that I have to find workable alternatives that will be OK for me. Anyway- thank G-d we have this website to support each other- I know I have really come to rely on it and value all of my bariatric buddies as friends. Marcy -77
Traci K.
on 1/21/05 8:57 pm - Sullivan, MO
Hi Karen I don't dump either, but then the sugary stuff doesn't appeal to me. It's the chips and crunchy stuff that I like. I buy reduced fat Pringles or something like that and eat a few. I've found a couple protein bars that I eat every morning for breakfast, they're chocolate and they more than satisfy any sweet tooth I have, and the good part is that they are loaded with vitamins and protein! So I eat one daily, knowing this is a good choice and I'm getting in a whopping 20-25 grams of protein in one bar! Perhaps trying something like that may help. Other than that, it's one day at a time. For folks who say this surgery is an easy way out - These struggles are proof that it is NOT!
on 1/21/05 10:29 pm - NJ
Hi Karen - nice to see you back!! I'm glad you started this topic. First of all, you are NOT alone! I think the holidays were tough for a lot of us, and we all found out that we can eat more than we thought - and for us that equals: Danger, Danger, Danger (in the words of the immortal Crocodile Hunter! ) I'm just going to jot down some of my thoughts and experiences, and maybe it will help you, or maybe you can help me - I hope so. Right now I seem to be in a pretty good place; although last night I really wanted to pig out! I think we all can relate to your struggles. We are food addicts; and while alcoholics or smokers can swear off liquor or cigs forever, we need to eat, so food will always be a part of our lives. I was told once that it takes three months to break a habit - well, I think we can all say from experience, that some habits/addictions are just never going to broken completely. There are some trigger foods for me that I need to keep out of the house at this point. I found myself eating 1/2 can of cashew nuts in a few hours and also eating almost a full tub of Cool Whip - so those things are forbidden in my house right now because I can't handle them. There are days that all I want to do is eat; and sometimes it feels like I can eat way too much. Those are really troublesome days for me emotionally and psychologically. It's back to battling my demons again. Sometimes I just need to munch, so I've found that if I get Oberto Edge beef snacks or turkey jerky, I'm only getting a couple of carbs and 10g protein for 1 serving, and it takes me a long time to chew, so it satisfies that need. I haven't tried real sugar yet - by this I mean I haven't even taken a bite of a cookie or a taste of pie. I'm too afraid to find out if I don't dump. I was a real sugar-holic pre surgery. I try to find alternatives if I need sweets - Jello SF FF White Chocolate pudding is good. Sometimes I take 1/4 cup of ricotta cheese, add either a little vanilla or almond extract and a packet of Splenda, and it's almost like the inside of cheesecake (even more so if you add a teaspoon of cream cheese, yum! ) I have to take things a day at a time, and do a lot of self-talk. I tend to be an evening/night eater, so I don't even start eating until almost noon and concentrate most of my eating between 7 and 10 PM. I'm know this isn't the best thing, but for now I'm still losing. I'm sure I'll have to make some changes down the road. Some days I allow myself to splurge, most days I choose not to. I also feel stronger on the days that I exercise. I find myself dreading the exercise, but once I start I'm glad to be doing it. When I do things right, I usually tend to lose weight on a regular basis, and that is VERY motivating. I have also started water-loading on those days when I feel like I can't get full and it helps a lo****er loading is explained in Pouch Rules for Dummies. wlsfriends.com/pouchrules.html - just add the www. in front. My suggestions would be to maybe slowly make some changes, such as: getting in 64 oz. water, or doing the treadmill for 1 mile. What about logging your food on fitday.com? I find that really helps me know where I'm at. Karen, you and Pamela really got me thinking. We're all a that six month mark, and from what I understand, things get a little different from here on in. I hope you don't think I'm preaching at all because, believe me, I struggle too and I make lots of mistakes. I really think I needed to do a little soul-searching - thanks!! You are doing great, Karen, and I am wishing you continued success!! Hugs, Nancy -92
(deactivated member)
on 1/22/05 1:47 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Well, Karen, all I can really say is that I know EXACTLY how you feel. I recommend joining the daily FOOD and EXERCISE post, which might help you keep a better perspective on your foods. Even though I don't always do well, I feel that by admitting that I've made mistakes, I've won half the battle. Hang in there! Pamela stuck at 78 down
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