
Traci K.
on 1/10/05 9:56 pm - Sullivan, MO
Well, I'm stuck in plateauville and can't get out! I'm logging my food, and I actually have been trying to increase my calories, thinking perhaps I was in starvation mode. I've increased water, exercise and protein. My carbs listed do include the sugar alcohols in my protein bars, if those were subtracted off, and the fiber, my carbs aren't really that high. I'm getting a little frustrated as this morning, the jeans I had gotten into before, are a little more snug this morning. It could be water weight I suppose from peanuts I ate last night, but still. The scale says I'm up 1/2 lb. (I'm menopausal, so I don't have cycles anymore) Anyone else hit a plateau yet? If so how long did it last and what, if anything, did you do to get out of it? I've read the thread below on breaking a plateau, and I'm doing that; but I'm getting concerned that I've stopped losing and may actually start gaining! I still want to lose 38 lbs!!! I'm getting discouraged as the scale hasn't moved down in 2-3 weeks. Traci - discouraged in Missouri
Vivi *.
on 1/10/05 10:21 pm - clermont, FL
Hi there, surgery date twin, I hit plateaus at least 1 or 2 weeks out of the month... It sucks so bad, but our bodies are all different... I heard of people who went on 6 weeks plateaus and then started losing again. So do not get discouraged. I rescently gained 4 pounds and in 2 weeks I lost them. Yeah, it sucks! -Flávia
on 1/10/05 11:35 pm - NJ
Traci, I just copied this from Dame Tooter's site, It makes sense to me.... "Definition of a plateau - 4 to 6 weeks of zero pounds and/or inches lost. If you've lost anything in the last 4 weeks you are NOT on a plateau...even though it is as frustrating as one when you are going through it. And yeah, a rose by any other name, still has thorns. The difference between a rest period/stall and a plateau is that your body NEEDS to rest sometimes and gather its strength back. You owe it to yourself to chill out during these time periods and focus on getting your fluids, protein, nutrients, and doing some heart-healthy exercise. Stressing is not going to help and can make it worse. In fact, changing your diet to try and get the weight moving again NOW, can actually do more harm than good. Especially if you start cutting calories, healthy fats, and such to get the losses going. Be aware, most postops DO experience a stall somewhere during the first three months - some have more than one stall - and this can last anywhere from 1 week to 4. If it goes beyond 4 THEN you should start working on busting the stall, but until then keep doing the healthy things you've hopefully been doing and give your body time to do what it needs to do." Hope you start losing again soon - I know how frustrating it can be!! Hugs, Nancy -88
Crystal M.
on 1/10/05 11:51 pm - Martinez, CA
I have also been there...seems like forever...but really about 4 weeks...then lost 2 lbs, and not a budge for another 2 is driving me nuts. But....I am still loosing inches, so maybe it is just re-arranging itself. Thats my story, and Im sticking to it
Traci K.
on 1/11/05 12:14 am - Sullivan, MO
Thanks everyone - your posts made me feel better. I have lost another inch off my waist since I measured a month or so ago. So I guess that's something! I'll just keep plugging away, doing the right things and well.... we'll see! Even though *I* would like to lose another 37 lbs, which would get me a 'normal' BMI, my diabetes and high blood pressure are now gone - so health-wise, I've accomplished my goal.
Monna W.
on 1/11/05 1:15 am - Susanville, CA
Traci, I it a big plateau one month post-op and it lasted 6 weeks. I was so afraid that I was going to be one of those few WLS failures. I did start to lose again and it was steady until December when I lost only 1 lb. all month. Now I am losing again. I have just continued to do the same thing--get in at least 64 oz of water, 60-70 grams of protein, and all my vitamins. I have not ever counted carbohydrates because I eat the protein first and there is not room left in my pouch for many carbs. Like Nancy said, try not to stress about a plateau because it will break eventually and stress can cause our bodies to hold onto the fat. Good wishes and congratulations on your success so far. Monna 389/280/150
on 1/11/05 5:14 am - Kokomo, IN
On Oct 28 I weiged 221 pounds. Last week I weighed 218 pounds. So, it took me ~9 weeks to lose 3 pounds. I unfortunately am addicted to my scale, and I weigh every day, so I don't know if I was plateauing during that time, as everyone's weight "fluctuates" day to day. Today, I weighed in at 214, so it's going in the right direction again. It's going down slowly, but i'm just happy it ain't goin' up! As far as how I busted my plateau....I didn't make too many changes. I did start the new year with a resolution to take my vitamin and eat my protein every day. I slacked off on that for a while, but I'm back in the groove now. Good luck Traci. Rest assured that you are doing the right things. Diana
Ilva K.
on 1/11/05 8:08 am - NYC, NY
i am on a platue as well i've gain 4 pounds over the holiday and know i am constantly hungry, i feel bloted but its not time for my monthly, it seem that i am craving carb, i dont dump tried a chocolate cluster to see, so know i am so scared that i am gaining weight, i need some advise on this, a friend needs help
T R.
on 1/11/05 11:18 am
LOL I think you all are doing great, so don't lose hope. When I learned to live with the idea that my body had to take time to adjust and that I had to learn to stop fighting my weight loss and let it happen, that helped me break my first plateau. I started stressing and the weight loss stopped cold. After I stopped beating myself up, stopped staring down the scales and let the stress go, the weight loss started back up. I know it sounds strange, but go with your gut! LOL She always tells me what to do now, so I guess she is in charge. Look at what we have done since July!! We are some good looking, healthy losers!! I wish you well, take care of yourself. Tami 275/196/140
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