Losing more inches than lbs

Marcy B.
on 11/2/04 7:54 am - West Bloomfield, MI
I don't know whether reading these posts is more helpful or frustrating for me because I feel like I am the only one who is experiencing what I am going through. I had the surgery on July 20th and since that time I have officially only lost 32lbs. ( Although I had lost about 16lbs before the surgery. But now here is the curious thing - I have lost over 40 inches. ( 10 inches in my hips- 4 in each thigh- 6 in the waist and bust- and a few inches here and there on my arms and legs- all totalling the 40 inches. I have also gone from a size 34 or a 5X to a 2x, or size 26-28. But still the pounds down show only 32. It is a puzzlement. People looking at me are expecting big numbers- and I don't have bragging rights to those right now...it just a measly little 32lbs. It is making me nuts. Will I be the 10% of the bariatric population who doesn't really lose weight from this? I can't imagine that I can continue to lose inches and not lose pounds it doesn't seem humanly possible. Leave it to me to be the only one on the face of the planet who has bariatric surgery and can't lose lots of weight. I figure there may be a few reasons this is happening to me. First of all I have been lucky to tolerate most foods- hardly ever vomiting, and never dumping. I eat on average betweeen 1000- 1200 calories per day. I had previously had thyroid cancer which has slowed my metabolism. I also have severe oesteoarthritis in both knees and fibromyalgia- so when I have a flare up, my lower legs swell up, which might account for some water weight. I limit my sodium, take a diuretic- drink all of my fluid and still can't seem to reduce the swelling in my legs during a flare up. I think the weight loss is here someplace ...would somebody please wring me out so I could get rid of all of this fluid and show a respectable weight loss already??? This is getting on my nerves. The doctors tell me I am doing fine, and not to worry about it, that some people just take longer, but if there is just one other person on this board who is experiencing -anything similar, I would love to hear about it. RE: Exercise, because of my lack of mobility I can't do more than about 10 15 minutes at a time- and then it makes the pain and swelling worse. The Dr's have suggested water aerobics, which I think will be next on the agenda. Anyway, congrats to everyone who is doing so well- at least I can live vicariously through you- and thanks for listening to this perimenopausal rant!!
on 11/2/04 9:16 am - Vancouver, WA
Hi Marcy, Good to see you on the board...! Well, I know we are starting at different stages but we did have our surgery one day apart. I as well have lost 32lbs...! 10 other pounds before surgery, so total of 42. I am considered a lightweight to start and other's on my date have lost well over 60+ lbs. I know it's frsutrating. I am not sure why yours is slow. But I do know that I take in way to many carbs and not enough protein. When I did up these the weight started falling again. The weird thing for me as well is inches. Although I never really measured, my pants are all faliing off and mosty people think I've lost ton's more weight then I have. Also, I keep having major plateaus for 2-3 weeks and then the scale moves. My doctor told me I am at 44% of my goal and doing fine. I know how you feel. I am sorry I don't have the answers but just wanted you to know.....I am right there with you! Nadine RNY 7-19-04 211/203/167/110?
Sue G.
on 11/2/04 2:48 pm - Aurora, NE
Hi Marcy.. My surgery was the day after yours.. I too am a slow loser I posted something a while back about it. I don't know why some of us lose faster than others you did say something about having swelling in your legs and that would add extra weight which would give u a false reading on your scale. Also with your slower metabolism that might make a difference. For me I don't really care how fast it comes off as long as it comes off !!! They say we lose from 12 to 18 months. It's only been three for us. 32 lbs off the scale and all those inches is way better than staying the same or not losing at all !! If you lose 32 lbs every three months up to 18 months u would be down 160 lbs!!!!!! I know it slows down after a while but just give it some more time. Remember the turtle beat the rabbit and we'll all get there slim and healthy in the end Sue ---only 45 lbs off but very happy about it!!
C J.
on 11/2/04 5:25 pm - Port Hueneme, CA
Don't be a slave to your scale! Fluid retention will mess up your numbers and make you feel like you haven't lost. But to go from a 5X to a 2X is terrific! As long as you keep losing inches I wouldn't wory about the scale. CJ
Sandy S.
on 11/2/04 8:12 pm - Surry, United States
Don't let those numbers get to you!! My dietician keeps telling me, don't worry about pounds, that at this point the weight will come off, no matter what you do or do not do! Sounds like you are losing plenty to me! WOW! To have gone down that many sizes! Good for you! I went to a nutrition class a couple of weeks ago, and was bummed because the man in front of me had lost 134 pounds at 3 months! But then I reminded myself, he had a lot more to lose than I did, and when you really thought about it, we had both lost about the same percentage of excess weight, so in actuality, I had done just as well as he had! Pay yourself on the back, you are doing great! Keep up the good work! Sandy 290/225/165
on 11/3/04 3:42 am - Cottage Grove, MN
Over the last month I have had the same problem. I haven't lost any weight, I fluctuate up and down the same 2-3 pounds. But even so my clothes are starting to feel bigger. I haven't measured myself so I don't know how many inches I'm losing, but for some reason my clothes are starting to get bigger even though I haven't lost it on the scale. I don't understand it. I'm trying to focus more on my protein intake so I know I'm getting enough in, and that will result in less carbs, but some days meat and protein won't stay down, but I know crackers will, or a potato, so I end up eating carbs instead of my protein. That is my main problem I think, besides not exercising enough. I have the "want" to go to the YMCA, but when work is over, I always just want to go home....so I do. I need someone to kick me in my butt. Anyway, don't feel alone. I guess some of us are just slow losers Melissa -56
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