Still riding the WLS wave of joy

on 10/4/04 11:03 pm - Hornell Heights, Ontario, Canada
I am still waking up every morning in awe of the changes that only 2 months can make. It boggles my mind each day with the changes I notice in myself, not just my body either, but also my emotions and my personality. Physically I feel terrific. I have a ton of energy (well I have little "crashes" where I need to nap, but on average I am much more energetic). I can now go to the gym, go 30-45 minutes on the treadmill and finish up with 20-30 minutes of weight training. I am doing 2 aquafitness classes in a row, 3 x's a week (shallow end followed by deep end), and 2 evening shallow end classes per week. I no longer send someone else to the store when I need something, I just put on my Nike's and head on over myself. I am not hiding in my house as I used to. I don't think I realized how much of a hermit I had become. I would not enjoy going anywhere outside of the house. Now if a friend calls and wants to get together, I'm definitly up for it. I have cabin fever which would never have happened in the past, I was too content hiding in my house. I am learning to accept compliments from people which I couldn't do before, and instead of second guessing them, I am realizing they are genuine and I allow myself a secret smile and warm fuzzy feeling now. I don't look in the mirror and cringe. I haven't wanted to cry about my weight since surgery. I no longer think "I'm so fat and ugly and unworthy". I have even had a couple of moments where I truly felt beautiful. That is one for my personal record books. I am much more full of confidence now, and I find myself being much more sociable. I actually enjoy conversations with new people and am no longer afraid to strike up the conversation myself. WLS for me hasn't been just about reclaiming my body, but reclaiming my spirit. I am finding myself for the first time and it sort of a feeling of being reborn at age 30. Does that sound weird? On a purely delightful note, I am down to 208lbs, from 270lbs on surgery date July 28. My first major personal goal is to be back into the 100's. So 9 lbs to go, hopefully before my next appointment with my surgeon on October 26. I have gone from a tight size 24 pants to a size 16 pants. Mind you I don't own any size 16's, it was totally hilarious actually yesterday. Wearing my much too large size 20 pants to my aquafitness class. Walking through a field (short cut to gym) I am strolling along and notice I'm feeling "breezy". Yup, my pants were down past my hips and one or two more steps they would have dropped to my feet. Now most people would be embarrassed that their pants might fall to their feet. Not this gal! I swear that I got a mad fit of giggles and said a quick "thank you God" (after all the short cut/field is a church grounds). What better message is that? Losing your pants in the land of the lord? Yup, loud and clear message to never forget to thank Him for guiding me down this WLS path. Anyone else still riding the WLS wave of joy? Melissa
(deactivated member)
on 10/4/04 11:20 pm - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
I'm still waiting for some of the good stuff to kick in... Physically, I feel much better than I have in a long time. I can exercise and walk without problems. But I still can't fit on amusement park rides, my clothing size is the same as it has always been, and I can't see a difference in my body at all. My mom and I were just talking about this last night, and unfortunately, the more you weigh, the more you have to lose before you'll see a big difference. Kind of sucks, really. I'm also a slower loser for someone of my starting weight. Tomorrow marks my three months out, and I'm down 47lbs. Wi**** could be more, but it's better than nothing! I'm glad things are going so well for you! Soon you'll be in the 100s! Pamela 352/305/135ish
on 10/4/04 11:48 pm - NJ
Melissa, I couldn't have said it better! Although I have not lost as much as you, I've lost 52 lbs. since 7/19, and I feel so much better and have so much more energy. It used to be after work I would go home and lay down for a couple of hours, then get up and eat the rest of the night. On weekends, I would take a nap from 2PM - 5PM - I had absolutely NO energy. Now, I can't lie down - I have too much energy!! I go for walks and really look forward to them. When I was heavier I would avoid any place I had to walk if there was a hill or even a slope. Now, I start out on a steep hill and although I'm a little out of breath by the time I get to the top, it's not like I'm going to keel over a quarter of the way up the hill. My body and my mind are much happier. I do have my moments that I think, "I can never have a piece of cake again", but they are fleeting and when I really crave something sweet, I make Jello Instant White Chocolate pudding and it's wonderful. I guess I'm relearning how to treat myself better than I have for a lot of years. It's not always easy, but with the WLS it's certainly do-able. Thanks for sharing your joy with us!! Hugs, Nancy -52
on 10/4/04 11:55 pm
Hi Melissa, I've really enjoyed reading your post. It brought such a smile to my face. :smile: We are WLS twins, I started out at 297 and am 237. Its amazing to me how different I've become since having the surgery. I am always on the go with my two year old in tow. We used to spend all weekend in the house because I had to recover from the work week, but now that's not the case, we are up and out playing, shopping, visiting, you name it. This past Saturday, we didn't get out until noon, because I had to clean house and all my son kept asking is when we were going bye-bye. He's used to the more active me and so am I. I've been working out and I feel great, yesterday on the ride in to work, all I could think about was getting here so I could start my workout. This morning I looked in the mirror and saw a glimpse of the Woman that I had always dreamed of seeing. She's slowly emerging. The one thing that gets me is that I was able to shop in my mom's closet to get clothes because most of mine are too big, everything I tried on fit perfectly. I am still in awe. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. Have a wonderful day. ShaunTeah
on 10/5/04 12:38 pm - TX
Melissa, How wonderful for you! Your post is an inspiration to us all! Wishing you continued joy and success on your WLS journey! Jeff -72 338/266/188
C J.
on 10/5/04 5:40 pm - Port Hueneme, CA
What an inspiring post! You put a smile on my face! I'm still waiting for that big energy boost but I am more active then I was for quite some time. And's time to go shopping! CJ
on 10/6/04 12:57 am - Fayetteville, NC
I think it is time to do what I call the HAPPY DANCE!! It is a mixture of a very suave Disco Dance and what I consider the Genuine Nerd Dance!! I am very glad to stop right now and do it just for you!!! As for rest of us who have not literally had our cloths falling off. Our day is coming!! I will be glad to get out in the parking lot and do the Happy Dance for you too!!!!
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